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- List of citations
Chagnon, 1938
Information about publication
Chagnon, G.
Contribution à l'étude des Coléoptères de la Province de Québec
Chagnon, G. • 1938
- Le Naturaliste Canadien, Québec
- 65 (5) : 257-320
List of citations
6 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Aegomorphus decipiens Haldeman, 1847 : 272 [ ill ] • cf. Aegomorphus modestus (Gyllenhal, 1817)
Leiopus alpha (Say, 1827) : 272 [ ill ] • cf. Sternidius alpha (Say, 1827)
Graphisurus fasciatus (DeGeer, 1775) : 274 [ ill ]
Hoplosia nubila (LeConte, 1862) : 275 [ ill ] • cf. Oplosia nubila (LeConte, 1862)
Saperda candida Fabricius, 1787 : 276 [ ill ] • cf. Saperda (Saperda) candida Fabricius, 1787
Saperda calcarata Say, 1824 : 278 [ ill ] • cf. Saperda (Saperda) calcarata Say, 1824