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- List of citations
Gilmour, 1963
Information about publication
Gilmour, E.F.
On the Neotropical Acanthocinini (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Some Caribbean genera and species
Gilmour, E.F. • 1963
- Studies on the Fauna of Curação & other Caribbean Islands, La Hague
- 17 (76) : 57-96, 4 pl.
List of citations
61 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Leptostylopsis incrassatus (Klug, 1829) : 58
Leptostylopsis cristatus (Fisher, 1925) : 58
Leptostylopsis antillarum (Fisher, 1925) : 58
Lagocheirus araneiformis guadeloupensis Dillon, 1957 : 58 [ loc div ]
Leptostylopsis Dillon, 1956 : 58 [ div ]
Leptostylopsis albofasciatus (Fisher, 1926) : 58 [ div ]
Leptostylopsis albosignatus (Fisher, 1935) : 58 [ div ] • cf. Leptostylopsis antillarum (Fisher, 1925)
Leptostylopsis atromaculatus (Fisher, 1926) : 58 [ loc div ]
Leptostylopsis jamaicensis (Gahan, 1895) : 58
Leptostylopsis longicornis (Fisher, 1926) : 58
Leptostylopsis ornatus (Fisher, 1928) : 59
Leptostylopsis testaceus (Froelich, 1792) : 59
Leptostylopsis gundlachi (Fisher, 1925) : 59
Leptostylopsis hispaniolae (Fisher, 1942) : 59 • cf. Leptostylopsis annulipes (Fisher, 1942)
Leptostylopsis milleri (Fisher, 1932) : 59
Leptostylopsis oakleyi (Fisher, 1935) : 59 • cf. Leptostylopsis gundlachi (Fisher, 1925)
Leptostylopsis bidentatus (Fabricius, 1775) : 59 [ div ]
Leptostylopsis assimilis (Gahan, 1895) : 59 [ div ] • cf. Amniscus assimilis (Gahan, 1895)
Leptostylopsis inermis (Fabricius, 1801) : 59 [ div ] • cf. Styloleptus inermis (Fabricius, 1801)
Leptostylopsis duvali (Fisher, 1926) : 59
Leptostylopsis posticalis (Gahan, 1895) : 59 [ div ] • cf. Styloleptus posticalis (Gahan, 1895)
Leptostylopsis smithi (Gahan, 1895) : 59 [ div ]
Leptostyloides testaceus (Froelich, 1792) : 59 [ loc div ] • cf. Amniscus similis (Gahan, 1895)
Leptostylopsis monticola (Fisher, 1935) : 59
Fisherostylus Gilmour, 1963 : 60 [ nov ]
Fisherostylus bruneri (Fisher, 1926) : 61 [ des ]
Leptostyloides Gilmour, 1963 : 62 [ nov div ] • cf. Amniscus Dejean, 1835
Leptostyloides turbidus Gilmour, 1963 : 63 [ nov loc ill div des ] • cf. Amniscus similis (Gahan, 1895)
Styloleptus caymanensis (Fisher, 1948) : 66 • cf. Styloleptus biustus (LeConte, 1852)
Styloleptus parvulus (Gahan, 1895) : 66 [ div ] • cf. Styloleptoides parvulus (Gahan, 1895)
Styloleptus brunneofasciatus (Fisher, 1935) : 66
Styloleptus thompsoni (Fisher, 1948) : 66 • cf. Styloleptus scurra (Chevrolat, 1862)
Styloleptus atrovittatus (Fisher, 1925) : 66
Styloleptus dozieri (Fisher, 1932) : 66
Styloleptus laticollis (Fisher, 1925) : 66
Styloleptus lewisi (Fisher, 1948) : 66 • cf. Styloleptus scurra (Chevrolat, 1862)
Styloleptus infuscatus (Fisher, 1932) : 66
Styloleptus puertoricensis (Fisher, 1935) : 67 • cf. Leptostylus liliputanus Thomson, 1865
Styloleptus vanduzei (Fisher, 1935) : 67 • cf. Styloleptus planicollis (Fisher, 1935)
Styloleptus darlingtoni (Fisher, 1942) : 67
Styloleptus pilosellus (Fisher, 1942) : 67
Styloleptus variabilis (Fisher, 1925) : 67
Styloleptus cubanus (Fisher, 1926) : 67
Styloleptus planicollis (Fisher, 1935) : 67
Styloleptus maraicola (Fisher, 1942) : 67 • cf. Styloleptus planicollis (Fisher, 1935)
Styloleptus scurra (Chevrolat, 1862) : 67
Styloleptus nigrofasciatus Gilmour, 1963 : 67 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Styloleptus nigrofasciatus Gilmour, 1963 : 67
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Hispaniola, R. Dominicana : Jarabacoa
Styloleptus divisus Gilmour, 1963 : 70 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Styloleptus planicollis (Fisher, 1935)details
Styloleptus divisus Gilmour, 1963 : 70
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, allotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Hispaniola, R. Dominicana : Cambita Uribe
Antilleptostylus Gilmour, 1963 : 73 [ nov ] • cf. Styloleptus Dillon, 1956
Antilleptostylus nigricans (Fisher, 1935) : 73 [ des ] • cf. Leptostylus liliputanus Thomson, 1865