Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Gilmour, E.F.

E.F. Gilmour contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 52 publications with 198 new taxa (still valid plus 160 others) : 36 gen. 162 sp. (sub. included)


  • Gilmour, 1968 • Stud. Fauna Curaçao • 25 (100) : 83-178, 10 pl.
    The Coleoptera Cerambycidae of Curaçao, Bonaire and Aruba
  • Gilmour, 1967 • Ent. Blätt. • 63 (1) : 41-47, 2 fig.
    New forms of Nupserha madurensis Pic (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Saperdini)
  • Gilmour, 1966 • Reichenbachia • 6 (30) : 245-261, 2 pl.
    Revision of the Genus Rosenbergia Ritsema
  • Gilmour, 1965 • Verl. Mus. G. Frey Tutz. München • 8 : 559-655
    Catalogue des Lamiaires du Monde (Col. Céramb.)
  • Gilmour, 1965 • Ent. Abh. Ber. Staatl. Tierk. • 31 : 459-482
    New Indian forms of Nupserha Thomson (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae,Lamiinae)
  • Gilmour & Breuning, 1963 • Treubia • 26 (2) : 123-130, 2 pl.
    New Indonesian Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae]
  • Gilmour, 1963 • Stud. Fauna Curaçao • 18 (78) : 75-102, 3 pl.
    Some Caribbean Coleoptera Cerambycidae
  • Gilmour, 1963 • Stud. Fauna Curaçao • 17 (76) : 57-96, 4 pl.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Some Caribbean genera and species
  • Gilmour, 1963 • Revta. Fac. Agron. • 3 (2) : 3-19, 1 pl.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini, III (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Some new genera and species II
  • Gilmour, 1963 • Ent. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. • 29 (7) : 476-491
    Revision of Batocerini
  • Gilmour, 1962 • Revta. Biol. Trop. • 10 (2) : 123-147, 11 fig.
    Synopsis of the tribe Aerenicini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Gilmour, 1962 • Ciencia • 22 (1-2) : 21-28, 4 fig.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini. Some new species of Urgleptes Dillon (Col., Cerambyc., Lamiin.)
  • Gilmour, 1962 • Caldasia • 8 (40) : 543-571, 3 pl.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Some new species of Lepturges Bates
  • Gilmour, 1962 • Beitr. neotrop. Fauna • 2 (4) : 249-293, 4 pl.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Some new Genera and Generic Revisions
  • Gilmour, 1961 • Studia ent. • 4 (1-4) : 347-368, 1 pl., 6 fig.
    On the neotropical Acanthocinini IX (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Some new genera and species III
  • Gilmour, 1961 • Ent. Abh. Staatl. Mus. Tierk. • 26 (17) : 131-134, 2 fig.
    The tribe Falsamblesthiini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Gilmour, 1961 • Anal. Inst. Biol. Mex. • 31 (1-2) : 335-347, 1 pl.
    On the neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). New Mexican Lepturges and Urgleptes
  • Gilmour, 1960 • Revta. Biol. Trop. • 8 (1) : 1-23, 2 pl.
    On the neotropical Acanthocinini, X (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Some new species of Urgleptes Dillon
  • Gilmour, 1960 • Idea • 13 (1-2) : 1-34
    Revision of the genus Rosenbergia Ritsema (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Batocerini)
  • Gilmour, 1960 • Ent. Blätt. • 56 (3) : 173-181, 5 fig.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) The Genus Lepturgantes Gilmour
  • Gilmour, 1960 • Ciencia • 20 (3-4) : 89-96, 1 pl.
    On the neotropical Acanthocinini VIII. Three new Central American genera and species (Col., Ceramb., Lamiin.)
  • Gilmour, 1960 • Acta Biol. Venez. • 3 (3) : 43-65, 5 fig.
    Some new genera and species of the neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Gilmour, 1959 • The Saraw. Mus. J. • 8 (12) : 775-831, 2 pl.
    The Batocerini of Borneo with the description of a new genus and species from Sumatra (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
  • Gilmour, 1959 • Opusc. zool. Münch. • 28 : 1-10, 1 pl.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini V (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). New species of Lepturges Bates and Urgleptes Dillon
  • Gilmour, 1959 • Opusc. zool. Münch. • 27 : 1-9, 3 fig.
    On the Neotropical Acanthocinini IV (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Three new genera and species


  • abala Gilmour, 1965 [Nupserha madurensis syn.]
  • abasomaculata Gilmour, 1950 [Agnia (Agnia) eximia syn.]
  • abdominalis Gilmour, 1965 [Nupserha madurensis syn.]
  • Acarinozineus Gilmour, 1962 [Sternacutus syn.]
  • aegypticus Gilmour, 1956 [Ceroplesis aestuans syn.]
  • Aerenaesius Gilmour, 1962 [Aerenica syn.]
  • Aerenicella Gilmour, 1962 [Aerenicini gen.]
  • Aerenicoides Gilmour, 1962 [Eponina syn.]
  • Aerenomera Gilmour, 1962 [Aerenicini gen.]
  • albobrunnea (Gilmour, 1962) [Brevoxathres sp.]
  • albocoerulea Gilmour, 1956 [Tragocephala variegata syn.]
  • albocollaris Gilmour, 1950 [Trigonoptera sp.]
  • Alcathousites Gilmour, 1962 [Xenocona syn.]
  • aliquobscura Gilmour, 1962 [Lepturges (Lepturges) complanatus syn.]
  • Amniscites Gilmour, 1957 [Acanthocinini gen.]
  • anceps Gilmour, 1962 [Lepturges (Lepturges) sp.]
  • andaii Gilmour, 1952 [Tmesisternus sp.]
  • andrei Gilmour, 1956 [Planodema sp.]
  • Antecrurisa Gilmour, 1960 [Acanthocinini gen.]
  • antiguae Gilmour, 1963 [Amniscus similis syn.]
  • Antilleptostylus Gilmour, 1963 [Styloleptus syn.]
  • Antodilanea Gilmour, 1962 [Aerenicini gen.]
  • Apagomerella Gilmour, 1962 [Hemilophini gen.]
  • Apagomerina Gilmour, 1962 [Hemilophini gen.]
  • apicalis (Gilmour, 1962) [Oedopeza sp.]
  • apicalis (Gilmour, 1963) [Dolichosybra sp.]
  • apicalis Gilmour, 1959 [Atrypanius leucopygus syn.]
  • apicalis Gilmour, 1965 [Nupserha madurensis syn.]
  • apicemaculata Gilmour, 1954 [Francisparna macilenta syn.]
  • apicopunctata Gilmour, 1950 [Falsischnolea pallidipennis syn.]
  • Aprionella Gilmour, 1959 [Lamiini gen.]
  • atro-olivacea (Gilmour, 1956) [Acalolepta (Acalolepta) sp.]
  • atrocoeruleogriseus Gilmour, 1956 [Monochamus (Monochamus) sp.]
  • aubrooki Gilmour, 1949 [Tmesisternus sp.]
  • basosuturalis Gilmour, 1956 [Tragocephala nobilis syn.]
  • batesi Gilmour, 1965 [Anisopodus sp.]
  • bialbomaculata Gilmour, 1948 [Migsideres sp.]
  • bicoloratus Gilmour, 1960 [Urgleptes sp.]
  • bilineatum Gilmour, 1957 [Paralcidion sp.]
  • bimaculatum (Gilmour, 1961) [Lophopoeum sp.]
  • bimaculatus (Gilmour, 1959) [Sympagus sp.]
  • bimaculatus Gilmour, 1960 [Urgleptes sp.]
  • bivittatus Gilmour, 1961 [Urgleptes sp.]
  • bolanica Gilmour, 1966 [Rosenbergia weiskei syn.]
  • boliviensis Gilmour, 1962 [Aerenomera sp.]
  • borneensis Gilmour & Breuning, 1963 [Cenodocus sp.]
  • bosqi (Gilmour, 1954) [Piriana sp.]
  • breuningi (Gilmour, 1954) [Isochariesthes sp.]
  • breuningi Gilmour, 1948 [Batocera sp.]
  • breuningi Gilmour, 1950 [Tmesisternus sp.]