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Bates, 1862
Information about publication
Bates, H.W.
Contributions to an Insect Fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera : Longicornes
Bates, H.W. • 1862
- The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
- 3 (9) : 446-458
List of citations
21 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
ANISOCERINAE Thomson, 1860 : 446 • cf. ANISOCERINI Thomson, 1860
Chalastinus Bates, 1862 : 447 [ nov ]
Trigonopeplus (Anepsius) Bates, 1862 : 447 [ nov ] • cf. Trigonopeplus White, 1855
Chalastinus egaensis (White, 1855) : 447 [ i/des ] • cf. Chalastinus egensis (White, 1855)
Trigonopeplus (Anepsius) bispecularis White, 1855 : 447 [ des ] • cf. Trigonopeplus bispecularis White, 1855
Phacellocera limosa Bates, 1862 : 448 [ nov loc ] • cf. Phacellocerina limosa (Bates, 1862)
Chalastinus egaensis var. postilenatus Bates, 1862 : 448 [ nov loc ] • cf. Chalastinus egensis (White, 1855)
Phacellocera Laporte, 1840 : 448
Anisocerus onca var. fonteboensis Bates, 1862 : 449 [ nov loc ] • cf. Anisocerus stellatus Guerin, 1855
Anisocerus onca var. olivencius Bates, 1862 : 450 [ nov loc ] • cf. Anisocerus stellatus Guerin, 1855
Gymnocerus cratosomoides Bates, 1862 : 452 [ nov loc ] • cf. Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862)
Gymnocerus Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 452
Gymnocerus capucinus (White, 1846) : 452 • cf. Gounellea capucina (White, 1846)
Gymnocerus dulcissimus (White, 1855) : 452 • cf. Gounellea dulcissima (White, 1855)
Gymnocerus crassus Bates, 1862 : 453 [ nov loc ] • cf. Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862)
Gymnocerus monachinus var. nautensis Bates, 1862 : 454 [ nov loc ] • cf. Jurua monachina (White, 1855)
Gymnocerus monachinus (White, 1855) : 454 • cf. Jurua monachina (White, 1855)
Onychocerus concentricus Bates, 1862 : 455 [ nov loc ]
Xylotribus Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 455
Xylotribus simulans Bates, 1862 : 456 [ nov loc ] • cf. Xylotribus decorator (Fabricius, 1801)
Hoplistocerus gloriosus Bates, 1862 : 457 [ nov loc ] • cf. Hoplistocerus refulgens Blanchard, 1843