Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Pic, 1891

Information about publication

Pic, M.

Un Longicorne nouveau

Pic, M. • 1891

  • L'Echange, Revue LinnĂ©enne, Lyon
  • 7 (84) : 133

List of citations

4 recorded citations

  • Phytoecia pustulata var. murina Marseul, 1870 : 133 [ div syn ] • cf. Phytoecia (Phytoecia) pustulata murina Marseul, 1870

    Phytoecia pustulata var. murina Marseul, 1870 : 133

    General information

    • remark
    • synonymy
  • Phytoecia murina = Phytoecia pustulata var. adulta Ganglbauer, 1883 : 133 • cf. Phytoecia (Phytoecia) pustulata adulta Ganglbauer, 1883
  • Phytoecia pustulata var. pulla Ganglbauer, 1886 : 133 [ div ] • cf. Phytoecia (Phytoecia) pustulata pulla Ganglbauer, 1886

    Phytoecia pustulata var. pulla Ganglbauer, 1886 : 133

    General information

    • remark
  • Phytoecia ludovici Pic, 1891 : 133 [ nov div ] • cf. Phytoecia (Phytoecia) rufipes rufipes (Olivier, 1800)