Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Bondar, 1938

Information about publication

Bondar, G.

Notas entomologicas da Bahia. III. Dois Cerambycideos novos da Bahia

Bondar, G. • 1938

  • Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro
  • 9 (3-4) : 441-449, 8 fig.

List of citations

2 recorded citations

  • Adesmus borgmeieri Bondar, 1938 : 445 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Gagarinia borgmeieri (Bondar, 1938)

    Adesmus borgmeieri Bondar, 1938 : 445

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name
    • host plant


    • [locality type] Bahia : Estaçao Experimental de Agua Preta, Municipio de Ilhéos
  • Gryllica melzeri Bondar, 1938 : 447 [ nov loc plh ill div ] • cf. Ischioloncha wollastonii Thomson, 1860

    Gryllica melzeri Bondar, 1938 : 447

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name
    • host plant


    • [locality type] Brasil, Bahia : Ilheus, Agua Preta