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- List of citations
Teocchi, 1994
Information about publication
Teocchi, P.
Diagnose de Lamiaires africains nouveaux (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae)
Teocchi, P. • 1994
- Lambillionea, Bruxelles
- 94 (2) : 206-210, 10 fig.
List of citations
18 recorded citations
Spilotragus mourgliai Teocchi, 1994 : 206 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Spilotragus mourgliai Teocchi, 1994 : 206
General information
- description
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Somalie : 7 km de Mogadiscio
Anaplagiomus Teocchi, 1994 : 206 [ nov div ]details
Anaplagiomus Teocchi, 1994 : 206
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Plagiomus Quedenfeldt, 1888 : 206 [ div ]details
Plagiomus Quedenfeldt, 1888 : 206
General information
- distinctive characters
Anaplagiomus garnieri Teocchi, 1994 : 208 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Anaplagiomus garnieri Teocchi, 1994 : 208
General information
- description
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Cameroun : littoral d'Edea
Pinacosterna weymanni Quedenfeldt, 1882 : 208 [ div ]details
Pinacosterna weymanni Quedenfeldt, 1882 : 208
General information
- distinctive characters
Pinacosterna weymanni m. fallaciosa Teocchi, 1994 : 208 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pinacosterna weymanni Quedenfeldt, 1882details
Pinacosterna weymanni m. fallaciosa Teocchi, 1994 : 208
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Uganda : Bundibugoyo
- R. Centrafricaine
- Cameroun
- Congo
- R. P. Congo
- Zaïre : Kolwezi
- Ouganda : Bundibugoyo
Pinacosterna weymanni m. bandundu Allard, 1993 : 208 [ div ] • cf. Pinacosterna weymanni Quedenfeldt, 1882details
Pinacosterna weymanni m. bandundu Allard, 1993 : 208
General information
- distinctive characters
Pinacosterna weymanni m. marginalis Breuning, 1935 : 208 [ div ] • cf. Pinacosterna weymanni Quedenfeldt, 1882details
Pinacosterna weymanni m. marginalis Breuning, 1935 : 208
General information
- distinctive characters
Prosopocera (Alphitopola) duodecimguttata Teocchi, 1994 : 209 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Prosopocera (Alphitopola) multinigromaculata Breuning, 1956details
Prosopocera (Alphitopola) duodecimguttata Teocchi, 1994 : 209
General information
- distinctive characters
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Kenya : Arabuko, Jokobe Forest
Prosopocera (Alphitopola) pylas (Jordan, 1903) : 209 [ div ]details
Prosopocera (Alphitopola) pylas (Jordan, 1903) : 209
General information
- distinctive characters
Eunidia deceptrix camerunica Teocchi, 1994 : 209 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Eunidia lujai Breuning, 1951details
Eunidia deceptrix camerunica Teocchi, 1994 : 209
General information
- distinctive characters
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Cameroun : Efulen
Eunidia deceptrix Aurivillius, 1925 : 209 [ loc ]details
Eunidia deceptrix Aurivillius, 1925 : 209
- Tanzanie : Mkawa ; Iringa
Planodema mourgliai Teocchi, 1994 : 209 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Planodema mourgliai Teocchi, 1994 : 209
General information
- distinctive characters
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Somalie : Benadir, au km7, près de Mogadiscio
- Somalie : Afgoi, près de Mogadiscio
Planodema flavosparsa (Aurivillius, 1910) : 209 [ div ]details
Planodema flavosparsa (Aurivillius, 1910) : 209
General information
- distinctive characters
Planodema flavovittata latevittata Teocchi, 1994 : 210 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Planodema flavovittata latevittata Teocchi, 1994 : 210
General information
- distinctive characters
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Côte d'Ivoire : Tiassale
Planodema flavovittata Breuning, 1947 : 210 [ div ] • cf. Planodema flavovittata flavovittata Breuning, 1947details
Planodema flavovittata Breuning, 1947 : 210
General information
- distinctive characters
Nupserha basalis m. atrata Teocchi, 1994 : 210 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Nupserha basalis basalis (Erichson, 1843)details
Nupserha basalis m. atrata Teocchi, 1994 : 210
General information
- distinctive characters
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Burundi : Karonga
Nitocris (Cicatronicris) singularis Teocchi, 1994 : 210 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Leuconitocris (Cicatronicris) singularis (Teocchi, 1994)details
Nitocris (Cicatronicris) singularis Teocchi, 1994 : 210
General information
- description
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Burundi : Bugarama