Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Hüdepohl, 1993

Information about publication

Hüdepohl, K.-E.

Über südostasiatische Cerambyciden XI (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)

Hüdepohl, K.-E. • 1993

  • Entomofauna
  • 14 (19) : 321-328, 3 fig.

List of citations

1 recorded citation

  • Cereopsius copei Hüdepohl, 1993 : 325 [ nov loc ill div ]

    Cereopsius copei Hüdepohl, 1993 : 325

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • black and white photo, holotype, ♀
    • new taxon/name


    • [locality type] Palawan : Brookes Point
    • Palawan : Brookes Point Area