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- List of citations
Mitono, 1943
Information about publication
Mitono, T.
Descriptions of some new species and varieties of longicorn-beetles from Taiwan
Mitono, T. • 1943
- Trans. Nat. Hist. Taiwan
- 23 : 578-588
List of citations
6 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Echthistatus yamahoi Mitono, 1943 : 578 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Mimechthistatus yamahoi (Mitono, 1943)
Monochamus taiheizanensis Mitono, 1943 : 580 [ nov ] • cf. Monochamus (Monochamus) taiheizanensis Mitono, 1943
Dihammus ikedai Mitono, 1943 : 581 [ nov ] • cf. Acalolepta (Acalolepta) vitalisi (Pic, 1925)
Xylariopsis esakii Mitono, 1943 : 582 [ nov ]
Acanthocinus shirakii Mitono, 1943 : 584 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Trichohoplorana shirakii (Mitono, 1943)
Glenea miwai Mitono, 1943 : 585 [ nov ] • cf. Glenea (Glenea) pseudoscalaris miwai Mitono, 1943