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- List of citations
Pic, 1934
Information about publication
Pic, M.
Nouveautés diverses
Pic, M. • 1934
- Mélanges Exotico-Entomologiques
- 63 : 1-36
List of citations
18 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Dorcadiohammus Pic, 1934 : 8 [ nov ] • cf. Dolophrades Bates, 1884
Dorcadiohammus punctatus Pic, 1934 : 8 [ nov loc des/m ] • cf. Dolophrades annulicornis (Schwarzer, 1925)
Microcycos Pic, 1934 : 9 [ nov ] • cf. Nanohammus Bates, 1884
Microcycos annulicornis Pic, 1934 : 9 [ nov des/m ] • cf. Nanohammus annulicornis (Pic, 1934)
Thrysimia alboapicalis Pic, 1934 : 9 [ nov loc ] • cf. Monochamus (Monochamus) alboapicalis (Pic, 1934)
Jeanvoinea Pic, 1934 : 10 [ nov ]
Thylactus uniformis Pic, 1934 : 10 [ nov loc ]
Jeanvoinea annulipes Pic, 1934 : 10 [ nov loc des/m ] • cf. Jeanvoinea annulipes annulipes Pic, 1934
Hoabinhia Pic, 1934 : 11 [ nov ] • cf. Cyphoscyla Thomson, 1868
Anoplophora angustata Pic, 1934 : 11 [ nov ] • cf. Anoplophora stanleyana Hope, 1839
Coptosia antoniae var. uniformis Pic, 1934 : 11 [ nov ] • cf. Phytoecia (Coptosiella) antoniae Reitter, 1889
Hoabinhia multituberculata Pic, 1934 : 12 [ nov loc des/m ] • cf. Cyphoscyla lacordairei Thomson, 1868
Trachystola difformis Pic, 1934 : 12 [ nov loc ] • cf. Morimospasma (Morimospasma) paradoxum difformum (Pic, 1934)
Moechotypa attenuata Pic, 1934 : 13 [ nov loc ]
Moechotypa alboannulata Pic, 1934 : 13 [ nov loc ]
Moechotypa jeanvoinei Pic, 1934 : 14 [ nov loc ]
Pothyne pauloplicata Pic, 1934 : 14 [ nov ]
Moechotypa coomani Pic, 1934 : 14 [ nov loc ]