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- List of citations
Pascoe, 1866
Information about publication
Pascoe, F.P.
Longicornia Malayana ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of the three Longicorn Families Lamiidae, Cerambycidae and Prionidae collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Malay Archipelago
Pascoe, F.P. • 1866
- The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London
- 3 (3) 3 : 225-336, 6 pl.
List of citations
247 recorded citations
Bybe Pascoe, 1866 : 225 [ nov ]details
Bybe Pascoe, 1866 : 225
General information
- new taxon/name
Bybe parmenoides Pascoe, 1866 : 225 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Bybe parmenoides Pascoe, 1866 : 225
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Sarawak
Trachystola Pascoe, 1862 : 225 [ div ]details
Trachystola Pascoe, 1862 : 225
General information
- description
Trachystola granulosa Pascoe, 1862 : 226 [ loc div ] • cf. Trachystola granulata Pascoe, 1862details
Trachystola granulosa Pascoe, 1862 : 226
General information
- description
- Sarawak
- Penang
HYPSELOMINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 227 [ key div ] • cf. ONCIDERINI HYPSIOMATINA Thomson, 1860details
HYPSELOMINAE Pascoe, 1864 : 227
General information
- distinctive characters ; key ; remark
Achthophora Newman, 1842 : 228, 229 [ div syn ]details
Achthophora Newman, 1842 : 228, 229
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- synonymy
Achthophora = Stegenus Pascoe, 1857 : 229 • cf. Stegenus Pascoe, 1857
Achthophora dactylon (Pascoe, 1857) : 229 [ loc div ] • cf. Stegenus dactylon Pascoe, 1857details
Achthophora dactylon (Pascoe, 1857) : 229
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Peribasis Thomson, 1864 : 228, 230 [ div ]details
Peribasis Thomson, 1864 : 228, 230
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Peribasis aspersa (Pascoe, 1856) : 230 [ loc div ] • cf. Peribasis helenor (Newman, 1851)details
Peribasis aspersa (Pascoe, 1856) : 230
General information
- description
- [locality type] Singapore
Peribasis pubicollis Pascoe, 1866 : 231 [ nov loc div ]details
Peribasis pubicollis Pascoe, 1866 : 231
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- Singapore
- Sarawak
Triammatus Chevrolat, 1857 : 228, 231 [ div ]details
Triammatus Chevrolat, 1857 : 228, 231
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Triammatus saundersii Chevrolat, 1856 : 232 [ loc div ]details
Triammatus saundersii Chevrolat, 1856 : 232
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Triammatus chevrolati Pascoe, 1856 : 233 [ loc div ]details
Triammatus chevrolati Pascoe, 1856 : 233
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Triammatus tristis Pascoe, 1860 : 233 [ div ] • cf. Triammatus tristis tristis Pascoe, 1860details
Triammatus tristis Pascoe, 1860 : 233
General information
- description
- Batchian
Otarionomus Thomson, 1857 : 228, 234 [ div ] • cf. Hotarionomus Thomson, 1857details
Otarionomus Thomson, 1857 : 228, 234
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Otarionomus blattoides (Pascoe, 1856) : 235 [ loc ill div ] • cf. Hotarionomus blattoides blattoides (Pascoe, 1856)details
Otarionomus blattoides (Pascoe, 1856) : 235
General information
- description
- color drawing
- Sarawak
Amesisa Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 235 [ nov div ] • cf. Amechana Thomson, 1864details
Amesisa Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 235
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Amesisa consularis Pascoe, 1866 : 236 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Amechana nobilis Thomson, 1864details
Amesisa consularis Pascoe, 1866 : 236
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Singapore
Etymestia Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 236 [ nov div ] • cf. Cereopsius Pascoe, 1857details
Etymestia Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 236
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Etymestia helena (White, 1858) : 237 [ loc div i/des ] • cf. Cereopsius helena White, 1858details
Etymestia helena (White, 1858) : 237
General information
- description
- implicit designation
- Sarawak
Cereopsius Pascoe, 1857 : 228, 237 [ div ]details
Cereopsius Pascoe, 1857 : 228, 237
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Cereopsius exoletus Pascoe, 1857 : 238 [ loc div ]details
Cereopsius exoletus Pascoe, 1857 : 238
General information
- description
- Sarawak
Cereopsius luctuosus Pascoe, 1866 : 238 [ nov loc div ]details
Cereopsius luctuosus Pascoe, 1866 : 238
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Goram
- Ceram
Cereopsius tricinctus Pascoe, 1866 : 239 [ nov loc div ]details
Cereopsius tricinctus Pascoe, 1866 : 239
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Batchian
Cereopsius sex-notatus Thomson, 1865 : 239 [ loc div ] • cf. Cereopsius sexnotatus Thomson, 1865details
Cereopsius sex-notatus Thomson, 1865 : 239
General information
- description
- [locality type] Singapore
Cereopsius marmoreus Pascoe, 1857 : 240 [ loc syn ] • cf. Paracyriothasastes marmoreus (Pascoe, 1857)details
Cereopsius marmoreus Pascoe, 1857 : 240
General information
- synonymy
- Singapore
Cereopsius marmoreus = Cereopsius mysticus Thomson, 1865 : 240 • cf. Paracyriothasastes marmoreus (Pascoe, 1857)
Cereopsius privatus Pascoe, 1866 : 240 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Orsidis privatus (Pascoe, 1866)details
Cereopsius privatus Pascoe, 1866 : 240
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Malacca
Othelais Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 241 [ nov div ]details
Othelais Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 241
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Othelais histrio (Pascoe, 1859) : 241 [ ill div des ]details
Othelais histrio (Pascoe, 1859) : 241
General information
- description
- color drawing
- designation
- Aru
Othelais virescens Pascoe, 1866 : 241 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Otroeopsis virescens (Pascoe, 1866)details
Othelais virescens Pascoe, 1866 : 241
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Saylee
- Dorey
Diallus Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 242 [ nov div ] • cf. Diallus (Diallus) Pascoe, 1866details
Diallus Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 242
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Diallus lachrymosus Pascoe, 1866 : 242 [ nov loc ill div i/des ] • cf. Diallus (Diallus) lachrymosus Pascoe, 1866details
Diallus lachrymosus Pascoe, 1866 : 242
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- implicit designation
- [locality type] Tondano
Diallus lugens Pascoe, 1866 : 243 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Diallus (Diallus) lugens Pascoe, 1866details
Diallus lugens Pascoe, 1866 : 243
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ceram
Diallus subtinctus Pascoe, 1866 : 243 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Diallus (Diallus) subtinctus Pascoe, 1866details
Diallus subtinctus Pascoe, 1866 : 243
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Mysol
Otroea Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 243 [ nov div ]details
Otroea Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 243
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Otroea semiflava Pascoe, 1866 : 244 [ nov loc ill div i/des ] • cf. Otroea semiflava semiflava Pascoe, 1866details
Otroea semiflava Pascoe, 1866 : 244
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- implicit designation
- [locality type] Batchian
- Gilolo
Otroea cinerascens Pascoe, 1866 : 244 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Otroea cinerascens cinerascens Pascoe, 1866details
Otroea cinerascens Pascoe, 1866 : 244
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Amboyna
Otroea tessellata Pascoe, 1866 : 245 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Othelais tessellata (Pascoe, 1866)details
Otroea tessellata Pascoe, 1866 : 245
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Ceram
Xoes Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 245 [ nov div ]details
Xoes Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 245
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Xoes egeria Pascoe, 1866 : 246 [ nov loc ill div des/m ]details
Xoes egeria Pascoe, 1866 : 246
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Sarawak
Psaumis Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 246 [ nov div ] • cf. Epicasta Thomson, 1864details
Psaumis Pascoe, 1866 : 228, 246
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Psaumis turbidus Pascoe, 1866 : 246 [ nov loc ill div des/m ] • cf. Epicasta turbida (Pascoe, 1866)details
Psaumis turbidus Pascoe, 1866 : 246
General information
- description
- color drawing
- new taxon/name
- designation by monotypy
- [locality type] Sarawak
Agnia Newman, 1842 : 228, 247 [ div ] • cf. Agnia (Agnia) Newman, 1842details
Agnia Newman, 1842 : 228, 247
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Agnia fasciata Pascoe, 1859 : 247 [ ill div ] • cf. Agnia (Agnia) fasciata Pascoe, 1859details
Agnia fasciata Pascoe, 1859 : 247
General information
- description
- color drawing
- Amboyna
Agnia eximia Pascoe, 1860 : 248 [ loc div ] • cf. Agnia (Agnia) eximia Pascoe, 1860details
Agnia eximia Pascoe, 1860 : 248
General information
- description
- Batchian
- Gilolo
Pharsalia Thomson, 1864 : 228, 248 [ div ] • cf. Pharsalia (Pharsalia) Thomson, 1864details
Pharsalia Thomson, 1864 : 228, 248
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
Pharsalia lentiginosa Pascoe, 1866 : 249 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pharsalia (Pharsalia) lentiginosa Pascoe, 1866details
Pharsalia lentiginosa Pascoe, 1866 : 249
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Banda
Pharsalia cincticornis Pascoe, 1866 : 249 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pharsalia (Pharsalia) cincticornis Pascoe, 1866details
Pharsalia cincticornis Pascoe, 1866 : 249
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Malacca