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- List of citations
Adlbauer, 2023
Information about publication
Adlbauer, K.
Ein neues, bisher übersehenes Latisternum Jordan, 1894 aus West-und Zentralafrika (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Adlbauer, K. • 2023
- Les Cahiers Magellanes
- n.s., 45 : 6-9, 8 fig.
List of citations
10 recorded citations
Latisternum puchneri Adlbauer, 2023 : 7 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Latisternum puchneri Adlbauer, 2023 : 7
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, paratype, ♂ ; color photo, paratype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- R. C. I.
- Demokratische Republik Kongo : Deseke - Kasai ; aber Kisangani
Latisternum macropus Jordan, 1903 : 7 [ loc ill div ]details
Latisternum macropus Jordan, 1903 : 7
General information
- distinctive characters
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀
- Elfenbeinküste
- Ghana
- R. C. A.
- Kamerun
- Äquatorialguinea
- Gabun
- Zentralafrika
- Demokratische Republik Kongo
Latisternum macropus ab. nigromaculata Breuning, 1938 : 7, 9 [ ill ] • cf. Latisternum macropus Jordan, 1903details
Latisternum macropus ab. nigromaculata Breuning, 1938 : 7, 9
General information
- color photo, ♀ ; color photo, ♂
Latisternum pulchrum Jordan, 1894 : 9 [ loc ]details
Latisternum pulchrum Jordan, 1894 : 9
- Kamerun
- Äquatorialguinea
- Demokratische Republik Kongo
- Angola
Latisternum strandi Breuning, 1935 : 9 [ loc ]details
Latisternum strandi Breuning, 1935 : 9
- Kenya
- Tanzania
- Sambia
Latisternum burgeoni Breuning, 1935 : 9 [ loc syn ]details
Latisternum burgeoni Breuning, 1935 : 9
General information
- synonymy
- Elfenbeinküste
- Zentralafrikanische Republik
- Demokratische Republik Kongo
- Aethiopien [?]
- Tanzania
- Sambia
- Malawi
Latisternum burgeoni = Latisternum strandi grossepunctata Sudre & Teocchi, 2002 : 9 • cf. Latisternum burgeoni Breuning, 1935
Latisternum romani Breuning, 1935 : 9 [ loc ]details
Latisternum romani Breuning, 1935 : 9
- Demokratische Republik Kongo
Latisternum marshalli Breuning, 1935 : 9 [ loc ]details
Latisternum marshalli Breuning, 1935 : 9
- Kenya
- Tanzania
Latisternum simile Baguena & Breuning, 1958 : 9 [ loc ]details
Latisternum simile Baguena & Breuning, 1958 : 9
- Äquatorialguinea