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Holzschuh, 2021
Information about publication
Holzschuh, C.
Neue Synonymien, Neumeldungen für China und Beschreibung von zehn neuen Bockkäfern aus Asien (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Holzschuh, C. • 2021
- Les Cahiers Magellanes
- n.s., 41 : 84-105, 10 fig.
List of citations
4 recorded citations
Acanthocinus annamensis Pic, 1925 : 89 [ loc div syn ] • cf. Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) annamensis Pic, 1925details
Acanthocinus annamensis Pic, 1925 : 89
General information
- remark
- synonymy
- Annam
- Thailand : Chiang Mai, Samoeng; Mae Hong Son, SE der Passhohe zwischen Pai und Soppong, 1250 m
- Laos : Xieng Khoang, Phonsavan env., Phu Padaeng, 1150 m
Acanthocinus annamensis = Acanthocinus hutacharerae Makihara, 1986 : 89 • cf. Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) annamensis Pic, 1925
Anaches dorsalis (Pascoe, 1858) : 89 [ div syn ]details
Anaches dorsalis (Pascoe, 1858) : 89
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Sthenias dorsalis = Sthenias murzini Lazarev, 2020 : 89 • cf. Anaches medioalbus (Breuning, 1956)details
Sthenias dorsalis = Sthenias murzini Lazarev, 2020 : 89
- China, Sichuan : Qingchen Hou Shan Mts., 70 km NW Chengdu, 1450 m