Page Content
- List of citations
Silva Júnior & al., 2021
Information about publication
Silva Júnior, J.O. & Haseyama, K.L.F. & Souza, D.S.
Phylogenetic approach redefines Plistonax (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) with new combinations and a new genus of flat-faced long-horned beetles
Silva Júnior, J.O. & Haseyama, K.L.F. & Souza, D.S. • 2021
- Organisms Diversity & Evolution
- 1-30, 16 fig.
List of citations
29 recorded citations
Plistonax Thomson, 1864 : 8, 14, 24 [ key div syn ]details
Plistonax Thomson, 1864 : 8, 14, 24
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; key ; Phylogeny ; remark
- synonymy
Aegoschema adspersum (Thomson, 1860) : 8 [ div ]details
Aegoschema adspersum (Thomson, 1860) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
Ateralphus dejeani (Lane, 1973) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Ateralphus dejeani (Lane, 1973) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Exalphus leuconotus (Thomson, 1860) : 8 [ div ]details
Exalphus leuconotus (Thomson, 1860) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
Steirastoma breve (Sulzer, 1776) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Steirastoma breve (Sulzer, 1776) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Acanthoderes (Acanthoderes) daviesii (Swederus, 1787) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Acanthoderes (Acanthoderes) daviesii (Swederus, 1787) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Dryoctenes scrupulosus (Germar, 1824) : 8 [ div ]details
Dryoctenes scrupulosus (Germar, 1824) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
Aegomorphus modestus (Gyllenhal, 1817) : 8 [ div ]details
Aegomorphus modestus (Gyllenhal, 1817) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
Aegomorphus jaspideus (Germar, 1824) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Aegomorphus jaspideus (Germar, 1824) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Aegomorphus cylindricus (Bates, 1861) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Aegomorphus cylindricus (Bates, 1861) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Aegomorphus vetustus (Bates, 1880) : 8 [ div ]details
Aegomorphus vetustus (Bates, 1880) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
Aegomorphus bivittus (White, 1855) : 8 [ div ]details
Aegomorphus bivittus (White, 1855) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
Aegomorphus nigricans (Lameere, 1884) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Aegomorphus nigricans (Lameere, 1884) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Aegomorphus travassosi (Monné & Magno, 1992) : 8 [ ill div ]details
Aegomorphus travassosi (Monné & Magno, 1992) : 8
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Miguelmonneus Silva Júnior & al., 2021 : 9 [ nov div ]details
Miguelmonneus Silva Júnior & al., 2021 : 9
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- new taxon/name
Miguelmonneus insolitus (Monné, 2001) : 11 [ ill div des ]details
Miguelmonneus insolitus (Monné, 2001) : 11
General information
- description ; Phylogeny
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀
- designation
- Brazil, Amazonas
- Brazil, Amapá : Macapá
Plistonax = Melzerus Monné, 2005 : 14 • cf. Plistonax Thomson, 1864
Plistonax albituberculatus Silva Júnior & Souza, 2019 : 15, 25 [ ill div ]details
Plistonax albituberculatus Silva Júnior & Souza, 2019 : 15, 25
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, holotype
- Brazil, Bahia
- Brazil, Rio de Janeiro : Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Três Rios
Plistonax albolinitus (Bates, 1861) : 15, 25 [ loc ill div ]details
Plistonax albolinitus (Bates, 1861) : 15, 25
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; color photo, holotype ; ...
- Bolivia, Beni
- Bolivia, Cochabamba
- French Guiana
- Brazil, Amazonas : Tefé
- Brazil, Pará
- Brazil, Amapá
Acanthoderes albolinitus = Plistonax multipunctatus Thomson, 1864 : 15 [ ill ] • cf. Plistonax albolinitus (Bates, 1861)details
Acanthoderes albolinitus = Plistonax multipunctatus Thomson, 1864 : 15
General information
- color photo, holotype
Plistonax antonkozlovi Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 17, 25 [ ill div ]details
Plistonax antonkozlovi Santos-Silva & al., 2020 : 17, 25
General information
- distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, holotype
- Panama : Ngöbe-Buglé
Plistonax ariasi (Chemsak & Hovore, 2002) : 18, 25 [ loc ill div ]details
Plistonax ariasi (Chemsak & Hovore, 2002) : 18, 25
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, ♀ ; color photo, ♂ ; color photo, holotype ; ...
- Colombia, Antioquia : Bolívar
- Colombia, Atlántico
- Colombia, Cundinamarca
- Colombia, Magdalena
- Costa Rica, Cartago
- Costa Rica, Limón
- Costa Rica, San Jose
- Panama, Panamá : Bayano
- Panama : Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, Coclé, Colón, Los Santos, Panamá, Panamá Oeste
- French Guiana
Plistonax bialbomaculatus (Zajciw, 1964) : 20, 24 [ ill div ]details
Plistonax bialbomaculatus (Zajciw, 1964) : 20, 24
General information
- distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, holotype
- Peru, Junin : Satipo
Plistonax difficilis (Melzer, 1934) : 20, 25 [ loc ill div ]details
Plistonax difficilis (Melzer, 1934) : 20, 25
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, paratype, ♂ ; color photo, ♀ ; ...
- Argentina, Formosa
- Argentina, Tucumán
- Bolivia, Beni
- Bolivia, Santa Cruz
- Brazil, Paraíba
- Peru, Junin
- Peru, Ucayali
- Brazil, Rondônia
- Brazil, Amazonas
- Brazil, Mato Grosso
- Brazil, Goiás
- Brazil, Minas Gerais
- Brazil, São Paulo : Amparo
- Brazil, Paraná
- Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul
- Paraguay : Itapúa
Plistonax hefferni (Audureau, 2017) : 21, 25 [ div ]details
Plistonax hefferni (Audureau, 2017) : 21, 25
General information
- distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- Colombia, Bocaya
- Colombie : Muzo region
Plistonax inopinatus Lane, 1960 : 22, 25 [ ill div ]details
Plistonax inopinatus Lane, 1960 : 22, 25
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, paratype, ♀ ; ...
- Brazil, Bahia
- Brazil, Minas Gerais
- Brazil, Espírito Santo
- Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
- Brazil, São Paulo
- Brazil, Paraná
- Brazil, Santa Catarina : Corupá
Plistonax rafaeli Martins & al., 2006 : 23, 25 [ loc ill div ]details
Plistonax rafaeli Martins & al., 2006 : 23, 25
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- Brazil, Rondônia
- Brazil, Amazonas : Manaus (Torre 35m, ZF2, km 14, 02°35'21''S 60°06'55''W)
Plistonax senecauxi Tavakilian & Neouze, 2013 : 24, 25 [ ill div ]details
Plistonax senecauxi Tavakilian & Neouze, 2013 : 24, 25
General information
- distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, holotype
- French Guiana : Route de Kaw, PK-36
Plistonax signatifrons (Zajciw, 1964) : 24, 25 [ ill div ]details
Plistonax signatifrons (Zajciw, 1964) : 24, 25
General information
- distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
- color photo, holotype
- Ecuador, El Oro
- Ecuador, Guayas
- Ecuador : Naranjito