Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Breuning, 1964

Information about publication

Breuning, S.

Tribu Apomecynini. Die Apomecynini der asiatisch-australischen Region

Breuning, S. • 1964

  • Entomologische Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden
  • 30 (1) : 1-80

List of citations

6 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)

  • Mimoropica Breuning & de Jong, 1941 : 2 [ div ]
  • Microplocia Heller, 1924 : 4, 80 [ div ]
  • Mimohyagnis tuberculatus Breuning, 1940 : 44 [ ill ]
  • Xylariopsis (Xylariopsis) mimica Bates, 1884 : 54 • cf. Xylariopsis mimica Bates, 1884
  • Paranicomia leucoma (Lacordaire, 1872) : 72 [ loc ill ]
  • Epilystoides bispinosus Breuning, 1939 : 75, 76 [ div ] • cf. Sybra (Sybra) bispinosa (Breuning, 1939)