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- List of citations
Souza & al., 2020
Information about publication
Souza, D.S. & Sepúlveda, T.A. & Marinoni, L. & Monné, M.L.
Phylogenetic analyses provide new insights into systematics of the longhorned beetle tribe Acrocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
Souza, D.S. & Sepúlveda, T.A. & Marinoni, L. & Monné, M.L. • 2020
- Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung
- 78 (1) : 17-27, 31 fig.
List of citations
26 recorded citations
Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20 [ ill div ] • cf. Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758)details
Acanthocinus aedilis (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Acanthoderes daviesi (Swederus, 1787) : 20 [ ill div ] • cf. Acanthoderes (Acanthoderes) daviesii (Swederus, 1787)details
Acanthoderes daviesi (Swederus, 1787) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Aegomorphus clavipes (Schrank, 1781) : 20 [ ill div ]details
Aegomorphus clavipes (Schrank, 1781) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Hedypathes betulinus (Klug, 1825) : 20 [ ill div ]details
Hedypathes betulinus (Klug, 1825) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Macropophora lacordairei Lepesme, 1945 : 20 [ div ]details
Macropophora lacordairei Lepesme, 1945 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera aerumnosa Erichson, 1847 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera aerumnosa Erichson, 1847 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera albata Villiers, 1971 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera albata Villiers, 1971 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera charisoma Lane, 1955 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera charisoma Lane, 1955 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera exigua Monné & Fragoso, 1988 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera exigua Monné & Fragoso, 1988 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera exigua Monné & Fragoso, 1988 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera exigua Monné & Fragoso, 1988 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera glauca glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20 [ ill div ]details
Oreodera glauca glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Oreodera granulifera Bates, 1872 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera granulifera Bates, 1872 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Macropophora hoffmanni (Thomson, 1860) : 20 [ div ] • cf. Oreodera hoffmanni (Thomson, 1860)details
Macropophora hoffmanni (Thomson, 1860) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera jacquieri Thomson, 1865 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera jacquieri Thomson, 1865 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera neglecta Melzer, 1932 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera neglecta Melzer, 1932 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera quinquetuberculata (Drapiez, 1820) : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera quinquetuberculata (Drapiez, 1820) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera simplex Bates, 1861 : 20 [ div ]details
Oreodera simplex Bates, 1861 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
Steirastoma breve (Sulzer, 1776) : 20 [ ill div ]details
Steirastoma breve (Sulzer, 1776) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Acrocinus longimanus (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20 [ ill div ]details
Acrocinus longimanus (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
Polyrhaphis grandini Buquet, 1853 : 20 [ div ]details
Polyrhaphis grandini Buquet, 1853 : 20
General information
- Phylogeny
ACROCININI Swainson, 1840 : 26 [ div ]details
ACROCININI Swainson, 1840 : 26
General information
- distinctive characters ; Phylogeny ; remark
Acrocinus Illiger, 1806 : 26 [ div ]details
Acrocinus Illiger, 1806 : 26
General information
- Phylogeny
Macropophora Thomson, 1864 : 26 [ div ]details
Macropophora Thomson, 1864 : 26
General information
- Phylogeny
Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 26 [ div ]details
Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 : 26
General information
- Phylogeny
Macropophora accentifer (Olivier, 1800) : 20, 27 [ loc div ]details
Macropophora accentifer (Olivier, 1800) : 20, 27
General information
- Phylogeny
- Brazil, Matto Grosso : Barra do Bugres, Porto Estrela
- Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul : Rio Caraguata, Lat. 52.27 Lo. 400 m
Macropophora trochlearis (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20, 27 [ loc ill div ]details
Macropophora trochlearis (Linnaeus, 1758) : 20, 27
General information
- Phylogeny
- illustration
- Venezuela : Bolívar, Río Caura
- Brazil, Acre : Porto Walter
- Brazil, Rondônia : Vilhena ; Porto Velho, Terr. Guaporé ; Forte Príncipe do Guaporé
- Brazil, Amapá : Serra do Navio