Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Yamasako & Ohbayashi, 2011

Information about publication

Yamasako, J. & Ohbayashi, N.

A strange new genus and species of Mesosini from North Thailand (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) [Studies on Asian Mesosini, VII]

Yamasako, J. & Ohbayashi, N. • 2011

  • Elytra, Tokyo
  • 1 (1) : 119-123

List of citations

2 recorded citations

  • Mesoplanodes Yamasako & Ohbayashi, 2011 : 119 [ nov div ]

    Mesoplanodes Yamasako & Ohbayashi, 2011 : 119

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name
  • Mesoplanodes babyrussus Yamasako & Ohbayashi, 2011 : 120 [ nov loc ill div des ]

    Mesoplanodes babyrussus Yamasako & Ohbayashi, 2011 : 120

    General information

    • description
    • color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
    • new taxon/name
    • designation


    • [locality type] Thailand : Chiengmai