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- List of citations
Li & al., 2015
Information about publication
Li, Z. & Cuccodoro, G. & Chen, L.
List of unavailable infrasubspecific names originally published in Oberea Dejean, 1835, with nomenclatural notes on the genus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Li, Z. & Cuccodoro, G. & Chen, L. • 2015
- Zootaxa, Auckland
- 4034 (3) : 577-586
List of citations
5 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Oberea flavipennis Kurihara & Ohbayashi, 2007 : 578 [ div syn ] • cf. Oberea (Oberea) flavipennis Kurihara & Ohbayashi, 2007details
Oberea flavipennis Kurihara & Ohbayashi, 2007 : 578
General information
- remark
- synonymy
- Taiwan
Oberea flavipennis = Oberea nigriceps m. flavipennis Breuning, 1950 : 578 • cf. Oberea (Oberea) flavipennis Kurihara & Ohbayashi, 2007
Oberea gracillima Pascoe, 1867 : 578 [ div syn ] • cf. Oberea (Oberea) gracillima Pascoe, 1867details
Oberea gracillima Pascoe, 1867 : 578
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Oberea gracillima = Oberea nigriventris Bates, 1873 : 578 • cf. Oberea (Oberea) gracillima Pascoe, 1867
Leuconitocris tibialis (Kolbe, 1893) : 585 • cf. Nitakeris tibialis tibialis (Kolbe, 1893)