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- List of citations
Monné & Wappes, 2014
Information about publication
Monné, M.A. & Wappes, J.E.
Description of Protumida insularis, a new genus and species of the tribe Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Panama
Monné, M.A. & Wappes, J.E. • 2014
- Insecta Mundi, Gainesville
- 0374 : 1-4, 2 fig.
List of citations
4 recorded citations
Protumida Monné & Wappes, 2014 : 1 [ nov div ]details
Protumida Monné & Wappes, 2014 : 1
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Coeloprocta Aurivillius, 1926 : 2 [ div ]details
Coeloprocta Aurivillius, 1926 : 2
General information
- distinctive characters
Anisopeplus Melzer, 1934 : 2 [ div ]details
Anisopeplus Melzer, 1934 : 2
General information
- distinctive characters
Protumida insularis Monné & Wappes, 2014 : 2 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Protumida insularis Monné & Wappes, 2014 : 2
General information
- description
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Panama : Barro Colorado Island
- Panama : Bayano, 20 km W Ipiti