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- List of citations
Weigel, 2008
Information about publication
Weigel, A.
Taxonomische Bemerkungen zu den Tmesisternini mit Beschreibung zwei neuer Taxa von der Insel Biak (West-Papua) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Weigel, A. • 2008
- Veröffentlichungen Naturkundemuseum Erfurt
- 27 : 263-269, 2 pl.
List of citations
8 recorded citations
Tmesisternus timorlautensis Breuning, 1939 : 263 [ loc ill div syn ]details
Tmesisternus timorlautensis Breuning, 1939 : 263
General information
- remark
- color photo, ♂ ; color photo, ♀
- synonymy
- Tanimbar : Yamdena Island, Mams village, 21km N of Saumlaki ; -, 20 km NE of Saumlaki, 150 m
Tmesisternus (Arrhenotus) timorlautensis = Tmesisternus (Arrhenotus) tenimberensis Breuning, 1958 : 263 • cf. Tmesisternus timorlautensis Breuning, 1939
Tmesisternus monticola Gestro, 1876 : 264 [ loc ill div syn ] • cf. Tmesisternus monticola monticola Gestro, 1876details
Tmesisternus monticola Gestro, 1876 : 264
General information
- remark
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- synonymy
- Neu Guinea : Kais. Wilhelmland, Toricelli Geb. ; N. Pommer ; D. Neuguinea ; Astrolabe Bay ; D. N. Guinea, Simbang ; -, Herbertshöhe ; -, Sattelberg ; -, Kani Gebirge
- Papua Neu Guinea : Morobe Prov., Tekadu, 7°38'S, 146°34'E ; Gulf Prov., Kakoro, 7°51'S, 143°31'E ; Gulf Prov., Kakoro, 7°51'S, 143°31'E
Tmesisternus monticola = Tmesisternus (Arrhenotus) pseudagrarius Breuning, 1948 : 264 • cf. Tmesisternus monticola monticola Gestro, 1876
Planodes satelles Pascoe, 1865 : 264 [ div syn ]details
Planodes satelles Pascoe, 1865 : 264
General information
- remark
- synonymy
Planodes satelles = Trigonoptera quadrimaculata Nonfried, 1894 : 264 • cf. Planodes satelles Pascoe, 1865
Tmesisternus lictorius biak Weigel, 2008 : 264 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus lictorius biak Weigel, 2008 : 264
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Biak : Korim, Roidifu, 100 m
- Biak : Workar-Wari, 50-100 m
Tmesisternus mehli Weigel, 2008 : 265 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Tmesisternus mehli Weigel, 2008 : 265
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂ ; ...
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Biak : Mniber vic.
- Biak : Korim, Workar-Wari, 50-100 m ; Korim, Nernu, 100-150 m