Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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  • List of citations

Yamasako, 2009

Information about publication

Yamasako, J.

A new genus ans species of the tribe Mesosini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae) from Laos [Studies of Asian Mesosini, II]

Yamasako, J. • 2009

  • Spec. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Coleopterol., Tokyo
  • 7 : 281-287, 2 fig.

List of citations

2 recorded citations

  • Pseudoclyzomedus Yamasako, 2009 : 282 [ nov div ]

    Pseudoclyzomedus Yamasako, 2009 : 282

    General information

    • description ; distinctive characters
    • new taxon/name
  • Pseudoclyzomedus ohbayashii Yamasako, 2009 : 282 [ nov loc ill div des ] • cf. Pseudoclyzomedus ohbayashii ohbayashii Yamasako, 2009

    Pseudoclyzomedus ohbayashii Yamasako, 2009 : 282

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing, part ; color photo, holotype, ♂ ; color photo, paratype, ♀
    • new taxon/name
    • designation


    • [locality type] Laos : near Ban Nhaboun, alt. ca 1,400 m, Xieng Khouang Prov.
    • Laos : Ban Saleui, alt. Ca 1,400 m, Houa Phan Prov ; Mt. Phu Pan, alt. 1,337-1,858 m ; Mt. Phou Samsoum, alt. Ca 1,700-1,800 m, Xieng Khouang Prov