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- List of citations
Vives, 2009
Information about publication
Vives, E.
Cerambicidos nuevos o interesantes de Filipinas (Part II) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Vives, E. • 2009
- Les Cahiers Magellanes
- 88 : 25 pp.
List of citations
15 recorded citations
Abatocera arnaudi Rigout, 1982 : 13 [ loc div ] • cf. Abatocera leonina luzonica (Kriesche, 1919)details
Abatocera arnaudi Rigout, 1982 : 13
General information
- remark
- [locality type] Philippines, Leyte
Blepephaeus higaononi Vives, 2009 : 13 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Blepephaeus higaononi Vives, 2009 : 13
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindanao : Mt. Apo
- Filipinas, Mindanao : Bukidnon
Cyriotasates Heller, 1924 : 16 • cf. Cyriotasiastes Heller, 1924
Cyriotasates rhetenor mindorensis Vives, 2009 : 16 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Cyriotasiastes mindorensis Vives, 2009details
Cyriotasates rhetenor mindorensis Vives, 2009 : 16
General information
- distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindoro
Cyriotasates rhetenor (Newman, 1842) : 16 • cf. Cyriotasiastes rhetenor (Newman, 1842)
Doliops johnvictori Vives, 2009 : 16 [ nov loc div ]details
Doliops johnvictori Vives, 2009 : 16
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Luzon : prov. Ifugao, Banaue
- Filipinas, Luzon : prov. Ifugao, Kinakin
Doliops edithae Vives, 2009 : 17 [ nov loc div ]details
Doliops edithae Vives, 2009 : 17
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindanao : Bukidnon, Impasung-ong
Paradoliops cabigasi Vives, 2009 : 18 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Paradoliops cabigasi Vives, 2009 : 18
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindanao : Bukidnon
Paradoliops Breuning, 1959 : 19 [ div ]details
Paradoliops Breuning, 1959 : 19
General information
- remark
Filipinmulciber Vives, 2009 : 19 [ nov div ]details
Filipinmulciber Vives, 2009 : 19
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
Filipinmulciber breuningi Vives, 2009 : 20 [ nov loc div des ]details
Filipinmulciber breuningi Vives, 2009 : 20
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Filipinas, Luzon : Prov. Ifugao, Banaue
- Filipinas, Luzon : North Luzon Aurora, Sierra Madre ; Prov. Ifugao, Mt. Amuyao
Phelipara (Phelipara) mindorana Vives, 2009 : 21 [ nov loc div ] • cf. Pothyne multivittata Breuning, 1980details
Phelipara (Phelipara) mindorana Vives, 2009 : 21
General information
- description
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindoro : Mt. Halcon
Phelipara (Phelipara) estanleyi Vives, 2009 : 21 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Phelipara (Phelipara) mindanaonis (Breuning, 1980)details
Phelipara (Phelipara) estanleyi Vives, 2009 : 21
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindanao : Calabugao, Bukidnon
Granulopothyne palawana Vives, 2009 : 22 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Granulopothyne palawana Vives, 2009 : 22
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Palawan
Eustathes mindanaonis Vives, 2009 : 23 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Eustathes mindanaonis Vives, 2009 : 23
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- color photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Filipinas, Mindanao : Calabugao, Bukidnon
- Filipinas, Mindanao : Impasung, Bukidnon