Page Content
- Classification
- Region
- Group
- List of species
- Taxa, synonyms
- Bibliography
Ossonis is the scientific name of a group -also called lamiines or flat-faced longhorned beetles-
Ossonis Pascoe, 1867
F.P. Pascoe is the author of the original taxon.
The type species is Ossonis clytomima Pascoe, 1867.
Ossonis Pascoe, 1867 is the full name of the group-genus in the taxonomic classification system.
Ossonis has 6 species. This genus is ranked in the tribe Saperdini.
World [6]
Distribution for species of Ossonis
Ossonis [6]
Subgroup of
Subdivided into 6 species
List of species
6 species
Taxa, synonyms
1 taxon refers to Ossonis
Ossonis Pascoe, 1867 [ sp. type : Ossonis clytomima Pascoe, 1867 ]
Some citations found in the bibliography excluding lists and catalogs except with nomenclatural act or image or data
Ossonis Pascoe • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 1867 • 3 (3) 4 : 363, 417 [ nov div ]details
Ossonis Pascoe • The Trans. Entomol. Soc. London • 1867 • 3 (3) 4 : 363, 417
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Ossonis ; Breuning • Frustula Ent. • 1961 • 3 (4) : 11 [ div ]