Lamiinae of West Africa region
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
Acanthocinini of West Africa reg.
Acanthoderini of West Africa reg.
Acmocerini of West Africa reg.
Aderpasini of West Africa reg.
Agapanthiini of West Africa reg.
Ancylonotini of West Africa reg.
Apomecynini of West Africa reg.
Astathini of West Africa reg.
Batocerini of West Africa reg.
Ceroplesina of West Africa reg.
Crossotina of West Africa reg.
Desmiphorini of West Africa reg.
Dorcaschematini of West Africa reg.
Eunidiini of West Africa reg.
Exocentrini of West Africa reg.
Lamiini of West Africa reg.
Mesosini of West Africa reg.
Microcymaturini of West Africa reg.
Morimopsini of West Africa reg.
Neopachystolini of West Africa reg.
Oculariini of West Africa reg.
Petrognathini of West Africa reg.
Phrynetini of West Africa reg.
Polyrhaphidini of West Africa reg.
Proctocerini of West Africa reg.
Prosopocerini of West Africa reg.
Protonarthrini of West Africa reg.
Pteropliini of West Africa reg.
Saperdini of West Africa reg.
Stenobiini of West Africa reg.
Sternotomini of West Africa reg.
Tetraulaxini of West Africa reg.
Theocridini of West Africa reg.
Tragocephalini of West Africa reg.
Xylorhizini of West Africa reg.