Lepturges (Chaeturges) of South America
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
L. (C.) of Argentina
L. (C.) of Bolivia
L. (C.) of Brazil
L. (C.) of Ecuador
L. (C.) of French Guiana
L. (C.) of Paraguay
L. (C.) of Peru
L. (C.) barii of South America
L. (C.) comminus of South America
L. (C.) definitus of South America
L. (C.) epagogus of South America
L. (C.) fragillimus of South America
L. (C.) fuchsi of South America
L. (C.) griseostriatus of South America
L. (C.) inscriptus of South America
L. (C.) laetus of South America
L. (C.) prolatus of South America
L. (C.) repandus of South America
L. (C.) rotundus of South America
L. (C.) scitulus of South America
L. (C.) scriptus of South America
L. (C.) serenus of South America
L. (C.) tenuis of South America
L. (C.) villiersi of South America
L. (C.) virgulti of South America