Acanthocinini of Brazil (Pará)
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
Alcidion of Brazil (Pará)
Allocrus of Brazil (Pará)
Amniscites of Brazil (Pará)
Anisolophia of Brazil (Pará)
Anisopodus of Brazil (Pará)
Atrypanius of Brazil (Pará)
Baryssinus of Brazil (Pará)
Brevoxathres of Brazil (Pará)
Carphina of Brazil (Pará)
Cosmotoma of Brazil (Pará)
Hamatastus of Brazil (Pará)
Hylettus of Brazil (Pará)
Hyperplatys of Brazil (Pará)
Lagocheirus of Brazil (Pará)
Lasiolepturges of Brazil (Pará)
Leptocometes of Brazil (Pará)
Leptostylus of Brazil (Pará)
Lepturges of Brazil (Pará)
Lophopoeum of Brazil (Pará)
Nealcidion of Brazil (Pará)
Neobaryssinus of Brazil (Pará)
Neoeutrypanus of Brazil (Pará)
Neopalame of Brazil (Pará)
Nyssocarinus of Brazil (Pará)
Nyssodrysternum of Brazil (Pará)
Oedopeza of Brazil (Pará)
Oxathres of Brazil (Pará)
Ozineus of Brazil (Pará)
Palame of Brazil (Pará)
Paroecus of Brazil (Pará)
Pseudocobelura of Brazil (Pará)
Pseudosparna of Brazil (Pará)
Sporetus of Brazil (Pará)
Stenolis of Brazil (Pará)
Sternacutus of Brazil (Pará)
Sympagus of Brazil (Pará)
Toronaeus of Brazil (Pará)
Trichonius of Brazil (Pará)
Tropidozineus of Brazil (Pará)
Trypanidius of Brazil (Pará)
Urgleptes of Brazil (Pará)
Xylergates of Brazil (Pará)