Acanthocinini of Brazil
Browse the plates of the latest images or at random or in catalog mode but of course some are incomplete
A. of Mato Grosso
A. of Mato Grosso do Sul
A. of Minas Gerais
A. of Northeast r.
A. of Pará
A. of Paraná
A. of Rio de Janeiro
Acanthodoxus of Brazil
Alcidion of Brazil
Allocrus of Brazil
Alloeomorphus of Brazil
Amniscites of Brazil
Anisolophia of Brazil
Anisopodus of Brazil
Atelographus of Brazil
Atrypanius of Brazil
Baecacanthus of Brazil
Baryssiniella of Brazil
Baryssinus of Brazil
Brevoxathres of Brazil
Callipero of Brazil
Calolamia of Brazil
Eucharitolus of Brazil
Eutrypanus of Brazil
Georgeana of Brazil
Granastyochus of Brazil
Hamatastus of Brazil
Hylettus of Brazil
Hyperplatys of Brazil
Lagocheirus of Brazil
Lasiolepturges of Brazil
Lathroeus of Brazil
Leptocometes of Brazil
Leptostylus of Brazil
Lepturdrys of Brazil
Lepturgantes of Brazil
Lepturges of Brazil
Lithargyrus of Brazil
Longilepturges of Brazil
Lophopoenopsis of Brazil
Lophopoeum of Brazil
Luteolepturges of Brazil
Microplia of Brazil
Nanustes of Brazil
Nealcidion of Brazil
Neobaryssinus of Brazil
Neoeutrypanus of Brazil
Neopalame of Brazil
Nyssocarinus of Brazil
Nyssodrysilla of Brazil
Nyssodrysternum of Brazil
Oedopeza of Brazil
Paratenthras of Brazil
Paratrichonius of Brazil
Paroecus of Brazil
Pattalinus of Brazil
Pentheochaetes of Brazil
Pertyia of Brazil
Piezochaerus of Brazil
Probatiomimus of Brazil
Proseriphus of Brazil
Pseudocobelura of Brazil
Pseudocriopsis of Brazil
Pseudosparna of Brazil
Pucallpa of Brazil
Sciadosoma of Brazil
Sporetus of Brazil
Trichillurges of Brazil
Trichonius of Brazil
Trichotithonus of Brazil
Tropidozineus of Brazil
Trypanidiellus of Brazil
Trypanidius of Brazil
Urgleptes of Brazil
Xenocona of Brazil
Xylergates of Brazil
Xylergatoides of Brazil