Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Entomapeiron Neoentomology, Genova

2 authors contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 8 publications.


  • Vitali, 2011 • Entomapeiron • 4 (1) : 1-36, 16 fig.
    Six new fossil Cerambycids included in Baltic and Saxon amber (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2007 • Entomapeiron • 2 (3) : 40
    Short notes III: The taxonomic position of Haplocnemia sophiae Statz, 1938 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2007 • Entomapeiron • 2 (3) : 29-39, 5 fig.
    A new fossil species of Elaphidion Audinet-Serville, 1834 with systematic notes on the Lamiinae from Dominican amber (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2007 • Entomapeiron • 2 (1) : 15-16
    Short Notes II: About the identity of Dorcadionoides subaeneus Motschulsky, 1857 (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2007 • Entomapeiron • 1 (2) : 37-64, 16 fig.
    Notes and taxonomic corrections to the Beiträge von Insektenfauna von Jamaika, Cerambycidae (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali & Casadio, 2007 • Entomapeiron • 1 (1) : 1-36, 42 fig.
    Contribution to the Cerambycid Fauna of the Solomon Islands (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2006 • Entomapeiron • 1 (2) : 13-28, 5 fig.
    About two Batrachorhina-species included in Malagasy copal (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
  • Vitali, 2006 • Entomapeiron • 1 (1) : 1-12, 10 fig.
    A new cerambycid from Dominican amber and remarks on the fossil Plectromerus-species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)