Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Colobotheini of South America

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 48 series and 348 lamiines (9 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Colobotheini from South America

Tribe: Colobotheini
Content of box: 9 lamiines distributed in 7 series
Carneades glaucothea
Carneades vittata
Colobothea amoena
Colobothea boliviana
Colobothea decemmaculata
Colobothea elongata
Priscilla hypsiomoides

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniCarneades glaucothea
Content: 1 lamiine
• Pérou, Junin, Satipo, Rio Venado [ specimen #15837 ♀ 13mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniCarneades glaucothea
specimen #15837 ♀ 13mm collected on xi-2012
Locality on label: Pérou, Junin, Satipo, Rio Venado

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniCarneades vittata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Pérou, Junin, Satipo [ specimen #15262 ♀ 20.5mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniCarneades vittata
specimen #15262 ♀ 20.5mm collected on ii-2012
Locality on label: Pérou, Junin, Satipo

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea amoena
Content: 2 lamiines
• Brasil, Santa Catarina, Corupa [ specimen #13401 ♂ 23mm ]
• Brasil, Santa Catarina, Corupa [ specimen #13400 ♀ 23mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea amoena
specimen #13401 ♂ 23mm collected on i-1969
Locality on label: Brasil, Santa Catarina, Corupa

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea amoena
specimen #13400 ♀ 23mm collected on i-1969
Locality on label: Brasil, Santa Catarina, Corupa

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea boliviana
Content: 1 lamiine
• Bolivie, Route Caranavi, 1550m [ specimen #7640 ♂ 16mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea boliviana
specimen #7640 ♂ 16mm collected on 25.11.1995
Locality on label: Bolivie, Route Caranavi, 1550m

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea decemmaculata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk36, Camp Patawa [ specimen #8467 ♀ 12.5mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea decemmaculata
specimen #8467 ♀ 12.5mm collected on 19.08.2006 14:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, RD6, pk36, Camp Patawa

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea elongata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites [ specimen #18180 ♂ 18mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniColobothea elongata
specimen #18180 ♂ 18mm collected on 18.09.2015 10:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande, sentier du Bagne des Annamites

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniPriscilla hypsiomoides
Content: 2 lamiines
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk40 (piste) [ specimen #5519 ♀ 11mm ]
• Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 (piste) [ specimen #14521 ♂ 8mm ]

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniPriscilla hypsiomoides
specimen #5519 ♀ 11mm collected on 21.08.2002 12:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk40 (piste)

Box of Colobotheini from South America in author's collection

ColobotheiniPriscilla hypsiomoides
specimen #14521 ♂ 8mm collected on 19.08.2011 11:00
Locality on label: Guyane, Montagne de Kaw, pk37 (piste)