Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Lamiinae of Africa

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1,287 series and 5,564 lamiines (807 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa

Content of box: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 series
Phantasis avernica
Trichophantasis subtuberculata

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINIPhantasis avernica
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Zambie, Kafue, Kafue river • 15.i.2000 [ specimen #4572 ♂ 22mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Zambia, Mazabuka mt. 1400, Lusaka • 16.xii.1986 • leg. Ferrero, F. [ specimen #7870 ♂ 25mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINIPhantasis avernica
specimen #4572 ♂ 22mm • Zambie, Kafue, Kafue river • 15.i.2000

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINIPhantasis avernica
specimen #7870 ♂ 25mm • Zambia, Mazabuka mt. 1400, Lusaka • 16.xii.1986 • leg. Ferrero, F.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINITrichophantasis subtuberculata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N 05°26'59'' E 036°44'42'' • 08.v.2008 • au piège lumineux • leg. François, M. [ specimen #12087 ♂ 15mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINITrichophantasis subtuberculata
specimen #12087 ♂ 15mm • Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N 05°26'59'' E 036°44'42'' • 08.v.2008 • au piège lumineux • leg. François, M.

Author's collection

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa

Content of box: 9 lamiines distributed in 3 series
Coptops (Coptops) aedificator
Coptops (Coptops) hypocrita
Coptops (Coptops) liturata

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) aedificator
Content: 5 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Sénégal, Petite Côte, forêt de Bandia • 13.viii.2008 16:15 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #10480 ♂ 14mm ]
• Côte d'Ivoire, Grand Lahou • 14.xi.1996 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #2906 ♀ 13.5mm ]
• Sénégal, Petite Côte, forêt de Bandia • 15.viii.2008 10:30 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #10989 ♀ 13.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • 02.xii.2019 13:45 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #21436 ♀ 16mm ]
• Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • 17.xi.2017 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P. [ specimen #19931 ♂ 14mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #10480 ♂ 14mm • Sénégal, Petite Côte, forêt de Bandia • 13.viii.2008 16:15 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #2906 ♀ 13.5mm • Côte d'Ivoire, Grand Lahou • 14.xi.1996 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #10989 ♀ 13.5mm • Sénégal, Petite Côte, forêt de Bandia • 15.viii.2008 10:30 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #21436 ♀ 16mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Akanda, Issingou village proche Mondah • 02.xii.2019 13:45 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #19931 ♂ 14mm • Gabon, Province de l'Estuaire, Forêt de la Mondah • 17.xi.2017 • au battage • leg. Roguet, J.-P.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) hypocrita
Content: 2 lamiines
• Principe, Terreiro Velho • 15.ii.2015 [ specimen #19816 ♂ 19mm ]
• Sao Tomé, Monte Cafe • 15.iii.2015 [ specimen #19815 ♀ 18mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) hypocrita
specimen #19816 ♂ 19mm • Principe, Terreiro Velho • 15.ii.2015

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) hypocrita
specimen #19815 ♀ 18mm • Sao Tomé, Monte Cafe • 15.iii.2015

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) liturata
Content: 2 lamiines
• Madagascar, Perinet, Moramanga • 15.iii.1996 [ specimen #2808 ♂ 22mm ]
• Madagascar, Perinet, Moramanga • 15.iii.1996 [ specimen #2807 ♀ 16mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) liturata
specimen #2808 ♂ 22mm • Madagascar, Perinet, Moramanga • 15.iii.1996

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

MESOSINICoptops (Coptops) liturata
specimen #2807 ♀ 16mm • Madagascar, Perinet, Moramanga • 15.iii.1996

Author's collection

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa

Content of box: 7 lamiines distributed in 5 series
Anatragus pulchellus
Aparescus praecox
Armatosterna buquetiana
Baliesthes alboguttatus
Callimation pontificum

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIAnatragus pulchellus
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Obout • 10.xi.2001 [ specimen #7916 ♂ 19mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIAnatragus pulchellus
specimen #7916 ♂ 19mm • Cameroun, Obout • 10.xi.2001

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIAparescus praecox
Content: 1 lamiine
• Tanzanie, Kombara • 16.iii.2003 • leg. Minetti, R. [ specimen #9939 ♂ 18mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIAparescus praecox
specimen #9939 ♂ 18mm • Tanzanie, Kombara • 16.iii.2003 • leg. Minetti, R.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIArmatosterna buquetiana
Content: 2 lamiines
• Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo • 15.xi.1998 • leg. Ture, A. [ specimen #11795 12mm ]
• Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo • 15.xi.1998 • leg. Ture, A. [ specimen #11794 13mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIArmatosterna buquetiana
specimen #11795 12mm • Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo • 15.xi.1998 • leg. Ture, A.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIArmatosterna buquetiana
specimen #11794 13mm • Côte d'Ivoire, Yapo • 15.xi.1998 • leg. Ture, A.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIBaliesthes alboguttatus
Content: 2 lamiines
• Ethiopie, Gemu Gofa Prov., Konso, Omo Reg. • 30.iv.1992 • leg. Werner, K. [ specimen #4646 ♂ 24mm ]
• Ethiopie, Goma Goffa, Konso • 15.iv.2002 • leg. Di Gennaro, G. [ specimen #10393 ♀ 23.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIBaliesthes alboguttatus
specimen #4646 ♂ 24mm • Ethiopie, Gemu Gofa Prov., Konso, Omo Reg. • 30.iv.1992 • leg. Werner, K.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINIBaliesthes alboguttatus
specimen #10393 ♀ 23.5mm • Ethiopie, Goma Goffa, Konso • 15.iv.2002 • leg. Di Gennaro, G.

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINICallimation pontificum
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1999 • leg. Desfontaine [ specimen #3239 15.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Africa in author's collection

TRAGOCEPHALINICallimation pontificum
specimen #3239 15.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1999 • leg. Desfontaine