Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Phantasini of Africa

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 2 series and 11 lamiines (3 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Phantasini from Africa

Content of box: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 series
Phantasis avernica
Trichophantasis subtuberculata

Box of Phantasini from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINIPhantasis avernica
Content: 2 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Zambie, Kafue, Kafue river • 15.i.2000 [ specimen #4572 ♂ 22mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Zambia, Mazabuka mt. 1400, Lusaka • 16.xii.1986 • leg. Ferrero, F. [ specimen #7870 ♂ 25mm ]

Box of Phantasini from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINIPhantasis avernica
specimen #4572 ♂ 22mm • Zambie, Kafue, Kafue river • 15.i.2000

Box of Phantasini from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINIPhantasis avernica
specimen #7870 ♂ 25mm • Zambia, Mazabuka mt. 1400, Lusaka • 16.xii.1986 • leg. Ferrero, F.

Box of Phantasini from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINITrichophantasis subtuberculata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N 05°26'59'' E 036°44'42'' • 08.v.2008 • au piège lumineux • leg. François, M. [ specimen #12087 ♂ 15mm ]

Box of Phantasini from Africa in author's collection

PHANTASINITrichophantasis subtuberculata
specimen #12087 ♂ 15mm • Ethiopie, Gamo Goffa, 8km S Key Afer, 920m, N 05°26'59'' E 036°44'42'' • 08.v.2008 • au piège lumineux • leg. François, M.