Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Adetus lherminieri of North America

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 50 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America

Tribe: Apomecynini
Content of box: 50 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Adetus lherminieri

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
Content: 50 lamiines distributed in 3 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Sofaïa [ specimen #4408 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage du Roseau [ specimen #1979 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Matouba [ specimen #1923 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Morne Caféière [ specimen #1993 ♀ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage de Sainte Claire [ specimen #1961 ♀ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Lahaut, Morne Bois d'Inde [ specimen #1920 ♀ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Sofaïa [ specimen #4406 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Morne Mazeau [ specimen #3654 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage de Sainte Claire [ specimen #2000 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage de Sainte Claire [ specimen #1962 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Lahaut, Morne Bois d'Inde [ specimen #1922 ♂ ]
• Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Lahaut, Morne Bois d'Inde [ specimen #1921 ♀ ]
Subserie #2:
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4262 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23 [ specimen #5327 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4493 ♂ 6.5mm ]
• Martinique, Fonds-Saint-Denis, rivière Bleue, alt. 300m [ specimen #4256 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4491 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4261 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Diamant, plage O'Mullane (mangrove) [ specimen #5333 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23 [ specimen #5329 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23 [ specimen #5328 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23 [ specimen #5325 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23 [ specimen #5324 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Morne Vert, Caplet, vers 350m [ specimen #4497 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4496 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4495 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4489 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4486 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4483 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4482 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4481 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4479 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4252 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4224 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4208 ♂ ]
• Martinique, Diamant, plage O'Mullane (mangrove) [ specimen #5334 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Macouba, Cheneaux [ specimen #5332 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Macouba, Cheneaux [ specimen #5331 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Macouba, Cheneaux [ specimen #5330 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23 [ specimen #5326 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4494 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4492 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4490 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4488 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4487 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4484 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4480 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4272 ♀ ]
• Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m [ specimen #4254 ♀ ]
Subserie #3:
• Saint-Vincent, Argyle Beach [ specimen #7678 ♀ ]

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4408 ♂ collected on 18.07.1999
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Sofaïa

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1979 ♂ collected on 09.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage du Roseau

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1923 ♂ collected on 07.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Matouba

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1993 ♀ collected on 18.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Morne Caféière

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1961 ♀ collected on 10.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage de Sainte Claire

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1920 ♀ collected on 17.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Lahaut, Morne Bois d'Inde

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4406 ♂ collected on 20.07.1999
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Sofaïa

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #3654 ♂ collected on 16.07.1999
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Morne Mazeau

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #2000 ♂ collected on 09.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage de Sainte Claire

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1962 ♂ collected on 10.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Plage de Sainte Claire

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1922 ♂ collected on 17.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Lahaut, Morne Bois d'Inde

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #1921 ♀ collected on 17.05.1995
Locality on label: Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre I., Deshaies, Lahaut, Morne Bois d'Inde

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4262 ♀ collected on 25.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5327 ♂ collected on 27.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4493 ♂ 6.5mm collected on 26.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4256 ♂ collected on 21.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Fonds-Saint-Denis, rivière Bleue, alt. 300m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4491 ♀ collected on 23.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4261 ♀ collected on 25.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5333 ♂ collected on 03.05.2002 9:00
Locality on label: Martinique, Diamant, plage O'Mullane (mangrove)

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5329 ♂ collected on 27.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5328 ♂ collected on 27.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5325 ♂ collected on 25.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5324 ♂ collected on 25.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4497 ♂ collected on 08.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Morne Vert, Caplet, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4496 ♂ collected on 24.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4495 ♂ collected on 24.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4489 ♂ collected on 16.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4486 ♂ collected on 18.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4483 ♂ collected on 25.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4482 ♂ collected on 22.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4481 ♂ collected on 15.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4479 ♂ collected on 15.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4252 ♂ collected on 18.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4224 ♂ collected on 14.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4208 ♂ collected on 23.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5334 ♀ collected on 03.05.2002 9:00
Locality on label: Martinique, Diamant, plage O'Mullane (mangrove)

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5332 ♀ collected on 21.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Macouba, Cheneaux

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5331 ♀ collected on 21.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Macouba, Cheneaux

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5330 ♀ collected on 21.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Macouba, Cheneaux

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #5326 ♀ collected on 25.04.2002 9:30
Locality on label: Martinique, Sainte Marie, Fond-Saint-Jacques, D23

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4494 ♀ collected on 24.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4492 ♀ collected on 23.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4490 ♀ collected on 18.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4488 ♀ collected on 16.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4487 ♀ collected on 18.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4484 ♀ collected on 25.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4480 ♀ collected on 15.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4272 ♀ collected on 18.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #4254 ♀ collected on 18.07.2000
Locality on label: Martinique, Le Carbet, Petit-Piton, vers 350m

Box of Adetus lherminieri from North America in author's collection

ApomecyniniAdetus lherminieri
specimen #7678 ♀ collected on 27.01.2005
Locality on label: Saint-Vincent, Argyle Beach