Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Saperdini of Cameroon

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 27 series and 49 lamiines (1 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon

Content of box: 45 lamiines distributed in 25 series
SAPERDINI sp. #1777
Glenea (Glenea) adelpha
Glenea (Glenea) fasciata
Glenea (Glenea) gabonica
Glenea (Glenea) gahani
Glenea (Glenea) insignis
Glenea (Glenea) mephisto
Glenea (Glenea) ossifera ossifera
Glenea (Glenea) paracarneipes
Glenea (Glenea) puella assimilis
Glenea (Glenea) vigintiduomaculata
Glenea (Jordanoglenea) persimilis
Glenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
Glenea (Volumnia) morosa
Neonitocris princeps princeps
Nitakeris sp. #829
Nitakeris sp. #1783
Nitakeris buettneri seminigrofemoralis
Nitakeris pascoei
Nupserha sp. #1794
Nupserha sp. #3138
Nupserha bidentata
Nupserha deusta deusta
Nupserha homeyeri
Nupserha tricolor

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

Content: 1 lamiine [ serie #1777 ]
• Cameroun, Route Edea Douala, Piste km 20 [ specimen #5178 ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

specimen #5178 • Cameroun, Route Edea Douala, Piste km 20

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
Content: 6 lamiines
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xii.1999 [ specimen #12347 ♀ 14mm ]
• Cameroun • 16.v.1995 [ specimen #3363 ♂ 13mm ]
• Cameroun • 16.iv.1995 [ specimen #3362 ♀ 12mm ]
• Cameroun • 15.v.1995 [ specimen #2469 ♀ 12.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.vii.1994 [ specimen #2422 ♀ 13mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.vii.1994 [ specimen #2421 ♀ 15.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
specimen #12347 ♀ 14mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xii.1999

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
specimen #3363 ♂ 13mm • Cameroun • 16.v.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
specimen #3362 ♀ 12mm • Cameroun • 16.iv.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
specimen #2469 ♀ 12.5mm • Cameroun • 15.v.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
specimen #2422 ♀ 13mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.vii.1994

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) adelpha
specimen #2421 ♀ 15.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.vii.1994

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) fasciata
Content: 5 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998 [ specimen #9916 ♂ 14.5mm ]
• Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998 [ specimen #9915 ♀ 16mm ]
• Cameroun • 16.v.1995 [ specimen #3364 ♀ 17mm ]
• Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2427 ♂ 13.5mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2428 ♀ 15mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) fasciata
specimen #9916 ♂ 14.5mm • Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) fasciata
specimen #9915 ♀ 16mm • Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) fasciata
specimen #3364 ♀ 17mm • Cameroun • 16.v.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) fasciata
specimen #2427 ♂ 13.5mm • Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) fasciata
specimen #2428 ♀ 15mm • Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) gabonica
Content: 2 lamiines
• Cameroun, Victoria • 05.ii.1971 • leg. Schacht, W. [ specimen #5158 ♂ 12.5mm ]
• Cameroun • 15.v.1995 [ specimen #2470 ♂ 14mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) gabonica
specimen #5158 ♂ 12.5mm • Cameroun, Victoria • 05.ii.1971 • leg. Schacht, W.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) gabonica
specimen #2470 ♂ 14mm • Cameroun • 15.v.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) gahani
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Province Centre • 15.vii.1996 [ specimen #12913 ♀ 11.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) gahani
specimen #12913 ♀ 11.5mm • Cameroun, Province Centre • 15.vii.1996

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) insignis
Content: 2 lamiines
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.2001 [ specimen #12345 ♀ 12mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.v.1994 [ specimen #2425 ♀ 17.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) insignis
specimen #12345 ♀ 12mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.2001

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) insignis
specimen #2425 ♀ 17.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.v.1994

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) mephisto
Content: 3 lamiines
• Cameroun, Ebogo • [ specimen #15958 ♀ 14mm ]
• Cameroun, Ngat • 15.ix.2008 [ specimen #12932 ♀ 15mm ]
• Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2416 ♂ 13mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) mephisto
specimen #15958 ♀ 14mm • Cameroun, Ebogo •

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) mephisto
specimen #12932 ♀ 15mm • Cameroun, Ngat • 15.ix.2008

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) mephisto
specimen #2416 ♂ 13mm • Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) ossifera ossifera
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1998 [ specimen #12346 ♀ 14mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) ossifera ossifera
specimen #12346 ♀ 14mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1998

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) paracarneipes
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Yokadouma • 15.i.1970 • leg. Nonvll. [ specimen #12128 ♂ 8.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) paracarneipes
specimen #12128 ♂ 8.5mm • Cameroun, Yokadouma • 15.i.1970 • leg. Nonvll.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) puella assimilis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2417 ♀ ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) puella assimilis
specimen #2417 ♀ • Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) vigintiduomaculata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Sud-Ouest, Bafoussan • 15.xi.2010 [ specimen #15724 ♂ 10.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Glenea) vigintiduomaculata
specimen #15724 ♂ 10.5mm • Cameroun, Sud-Ouest, Bafoussan • 15.xi.2010

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Jordanoglenea) persimilis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1989 • leg. Rousset, F. [ specimen #12136 ♀ 12.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Jordanoglenea) persimilis
specimen #12136 ♀ 12.5mm • Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1989 • leg. Rousset, F.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
Content: 5 lamiines
• Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998 [ specimen #9926 ♂ 11.5mm ]
• Cameroun • 15.v.1995 [ specimen #2468 ♂ 11mm ]
• Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2420 ♂ 12mm ]
• Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2419 ♂ ]
• Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2418 ♀ 13mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #9926 ♂ 11.5mm • Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2468 ♂ 11mm • Cameroun • 15.v.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2420 ♂ 12mm • Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2419 ♂ • Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2418 ♀ 13mm • Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) morosa
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xii.1999 [ specimen #12344 ♂ 15mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) morosa
specimen #12344 ♂ 15mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xii.1999

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININeonitocris princeps princeps
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1990 • leg. Rousset, F. [ specimen #5188 ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININeonitocris princeps princeps
specimen #5188 • Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1990 • leg. Rousset, F.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris sp.
Content: 1 lamiine [ serie #829 ]
• Cameroun • 15.v.1995 [ specimen #2467 ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris sp. #829
specimen #2467 • Cameroun • 15.v.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris sp.
Content: 2 lamiines [ serie #1783 ]
• Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1990 • leg. Rousset, F. [ specimen #5191 ]
• Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1990 • leg. Rousset, F. [ specimen #5190 ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris sp. #1783
specimen #5191 • Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1990 • leg. Rousset, F.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris sp. #1783
specimen #5190 • Cameroun, Yaoundé, Obout • 15.xi.1990 • leg. Rousset, F.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris buettneri seminigrofemoralis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.x.1999 [ specimen #12906 21.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris buettneri seminigrofemoralis
specimen #12906 21.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.x.1999

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris pascoei
Content: 3 lamiines
• Cameroun, Ebogo • 15.x.2010 [ specimen #16111 ♀ 18.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Occid., Victoria • 03.ii.1971 • leg. Schacht, W. [ specimen #5184 ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1995 • leg. Desfontaine [ specimen #3231 ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris pascoei
specimen #16111 ♀ 18.5mm • Cameroun, Ebogo • 15.x.2010

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris pascoei
specimen #5184 • Cameroun, Occid., Victoria • 03.ii.1971 • leg. Schacht, W.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININitakeris pascoei
specimen #3231 • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1995 • leg. Desfontaine

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha sp.
Content: 1 lamiine [ serie #1794 ]
• Cameroun, Route Edea Douala, Piste km 20 • 15.xi.1989 • leg. Garnier, T. [ specimen #5207 10mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha sp. #1794
specimen #5207 10mm • Cameroun, Route Edea Douala, Piste km 20 • 15.xi.1989 • leg. Garnier, T.

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha sp.
Content: 1 lamiine [ serie #3138 ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.v.1999 [ specimen #12933 ♂ 13.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha sp. #3138
specimen #12933 ♂ 13.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.v.1999

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha bidentata
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.x.1999 [ specimen #12909 10.5mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha bidentata
specimen #12909 10.5mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.x.1999

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha deusta deusta
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Zilli • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2463 ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha deusta deusta
specimen #2463 • Cameroun, Zilli • 15.x.1993

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha homeyeri
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xii.1995 [ specimen #12907 ♀ 15mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha homeyeri
specimen #12907 ♀ 15mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xii.1995

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha tricolor
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1998 [ specimen #12927 ♀ 11mm ]

Boxes of Saperdini from Cameroon in author's collection

SAPERDININupserha tricolor
specimen #12927 ♀ 11mm • Cameroun, Prov. Centre • 15.xi.1998