Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Lamiinae of Cameroon

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 279 series and 571 lamiines (94 illustrated)

Author's collection

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon

Tribe: Mesosini
Content of box: 5 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Coptops (Coptops) aedificator

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

MesosiniCoptops (Coptops) aedificator
Content: 5 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Ufon [ specimen #2431 ♂ ]
• Cameroun, Ufon [ specimen #2430 ♀ ]
Subserie #2:
• Cameroun, Ufon [ specimen #2432 ♂ 18mm ]
• Cameroun, Ufon [ specimen #2433 ♀ 18.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Ufon [ specimen #2429 ♂ ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

MesosiniCoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #2431 ♂ collected on ii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ufon

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

MesosiniCoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #2430 ♀ collected on ii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ufon

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

MesosiniCoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #2432 ♂ 18mm collected on ii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ufon

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

MesosiniCoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #2433 ♀ 18.5mm collected on ii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ufon

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

MesosiniCoptops (Coptops) aedificator
specimen #2429 ♂ collected on ii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ufon

Author's collection

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon

Tribe: Tragocephalini
Content of box: 26 lamiines distributed in 13 series
Anatragus pulchellus
Armatosterna spinifera
Callimation pontificum
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) antennata
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) richteri
Chariesthes (Chariesthes) rubida
Chariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
Chariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
Graciella epipleuralis
Graciella moea

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniAnatragus pulchellus
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #7916 ♂ 19mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniAnatragus pulchellus
specimen #7916 ♂ 19mm collected on 10.11.2001
Locality on label: Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna spinifera
Content: 4 lamiines
• Cameroun, Occid., Victoria, 0-80m [ specimen #5785 ♂ 11mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3237 ♂ 13.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3238 ♀ 16mm ]
• Cameroun [ specimen #2874 ♀ 15mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna spinifera
specimen #5785 ♂ 11mm collected on 11.11.1975
Locality on label: Cameroun, Occid., Victoria, 0-80m

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna spinifera
specimen #3237 ♂ 13.5mm collected on xi-1995
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna spinifera
specimen #3238 ♀ 16mm collected on 16.12.1995
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniArmatosterna spinifera
specimen #2874 ♀ 15mm collected on 16.08.1994
Locality on label: Cameroun

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation pontificum
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3239 15.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniCallimation pontificum
specimen #3239 15.5mm collected on xi-1999
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) antennata
Content: 3 lamiines
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11875 ♂ 12mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3292 ♀ 10.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3291 ♀ 12.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) antennata
specimen #11875 ♂ 12mm collected on x-2000
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) antennata
specimen #3292 ♀ 10.5mm collected on xi-1995
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) antennata
specimen #3291 ♀ 12.5mm collected on xi-1995
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
Content: 3 lamiines distributed in 2 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Cameroun, Zilli [ specimen #2453 ♂ ]
Subserie #2:
• Cameroun, Zilli [ specimen #2454 ♂ 9.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11876 ♀ 10.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #2453 ♂ collected on xii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Zilli

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #2454 ♂ 9.5mm collected on xii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Zilli

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #11876 ♀ 10.5mm collected on ii-1996
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
Content: 3 lamiines
• Cameroun, Menguémé [ specimen #11776 ♀ 9.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #12902 ♂ 7mm ]
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11877 ♀ 10mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #11776 ♀ 9.5mm collected on v-1998
Locality on label: Cameroun, Menguémé

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #12902 ♂ 7mm collected on xi-1995
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) bella bella
specimen #11877 ♀ 10mm collected on xi-1999
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
Content: 5 lamiines
• Cameroun, Ebogo [ specimen #12950 ♂ 8mm ]
• Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé [ specimen #11777 ♀ 8mm ]
• Cameroun, Ideo [ specimen #2444 ♂ 7mm ]
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #2445 ♀ 10mm ]
• Cameroun, Obout [ specimen #2443 ♀ 8mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
specimen #12950 ♂ 8mm collected on iii-2009
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ebogo

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
specimen #11777 ♀ 8mm collected on v-1998
Locality on label: Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
specimen #2444 ♂ 7mm collected on xii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Ideo

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
specimen #2445 ♀ 10mm collected on xii-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) multinotata
specimen #2443 ♀ 8mm collected on x-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Obout

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) richteri
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #3233 ♂ 8.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) richteri
specimen #3233 ♂ 8.5mm collected on xi-1995
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) rubida
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Mt. Nkolbisson, Reg. Yaoundé [ specimen #13680 ♂ 8.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Chariesthes) rubida
specimen #13680 ♂ 8.5mm collected on viii-2003
Locality on label: Cameroun, Mt. Nkolbisson, Reg. Yaoundé

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11886 ♀ 12.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
specimen #11886 ♀ 12.5mm collected on iv-1998
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Mbalmayo, Ossoe Bemva [ specimen #15576 ♀ 13.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniChariesthes (Pseudohapheniastus) rubra
specimen #15576 ♀ 13.5mm collected on x-1993
Locality on label: Cameroun, Mbalmayo, Ossoe Bemva

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniGraciella epipleuralis
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11881 ♀ 10mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniGraciella epipleuralis
specimen #11881 ♀ 10mm collected on i-1999
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniGraciella moea
Content: 1 lamiine
• Cameroun, Prov. Centre [ specimen #11879 ♀ 8.5mm ]

Boxes of Lamiinae from Cameroon in author's collection

TragocephaliniGraciella moea
specimen #11879 ♀ 8.5mm collected on xi-1999
Locality on label: Cameroun, Prov. Centre