Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Glenea apicalis apicalis of Afrotropical region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 13 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region

Content of box: 13 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Glenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
Content: 13 lamiines distributed in 4 subseries
Subserie #1:
• Côte d'Ivoire, Forêt de Taï • 15.ii.1999 [ specimen #9928 ♀ 14mm ]
Subserie #2:
• Zaïre, Mayamba • 15.xii.1998 [ specimen #9927 ♀ ]
• Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998 [ specimen #9926 ♂ 11.5mm ]
• Centrafrique, Boukoko • 15.viii.1987 [ specimen #2523 ♂ ]
• Cameroun • 15.v.1995 [ specimen #2468 ♂ 11mm ]
• Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2420 ♂ 12mm ]
• Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2419 ♂ ]
• Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993 [ specimen #2418 ♀ 13mm ]
Subserie #3:
• Malawi, Reg. Zomba, 1900m • 15.x.2002 [ specimen #9929 ♂ 10.5mm ]
• Zimbabwe, Mt. Selinda, S of Chipingwe • 12.xii.1998 • leg. Kudrna, A. [ specimen #9925 ♀ 16.5mm ]
• R. S. Africa, Natal, Cape Vidal cmpgrd, St. Lucia Park • 13.xi.1986 • leg. Evans, A.V. [ specimen #5168 ♀ 14mm ]
Subserie #4:
• Ethiopie, Sidamo, 20km SE Yabello, 1550m, N04°44'07'' E038°11'32'' • 17.iv.2007 • leg. François, M. [ specimen #10154 ♂ 13mm ]
• Kenya, Meru Distr., Matiri (Mitunguu), mt.800 • 08.xi.1983 • leg. Mourglia, R. [ specimen #5167 ♂ 13.5mm ]

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #9928 ♀ 14mm • Côte d'Ivoire, Forêt de Taï • 15.ii.1999

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #9927 ♀ • Zaïre, Mayamba • 15.xii.1998

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #9926 ♂ 11.5mm • Cameroun, 40km N Yaoundé • 15.v.1998

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2523 ♂ • Centrafrique, Boukoko • 15.viii.1987

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2468 ♂ 11mm • Cameroun • 15.v.1995

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2420 ♂ 12mm • Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2419 ♂ • Cameroun, Ufon • 15.x.1993

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #2418 ♀ 13mm • Cameroun, Obout • 15.x.1993

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #9929 ♂ 10.5mm • Malawi, Reg. Zomba, 1900m • 15.x.2002

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #9925 ♀ 16.5mm • Zimbabwe, Mt. Selinda, S of Chipingwe • 12.xii.1998 • leg. Kudrna, A.

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #5168 ♀ 14mm • R. S. Africa, Natal, Cape Vidal cmpgrd, St. Lucia Park • 13.xi.1986 • leg. Evans, A.V.

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #10154 ♂ 13mm • Ethiopie, Sidamo, 20km SE Yabello, 1550m, N04°44'07'' E038°11'32'' • 17.iv.2007 • leg. François, M.

Box of Glenea apicalis apicalis from Afrotropical region in author's collection

SAPERDINIGlenea (Volumnia) apicalis apicalis
specimen #5167 ♂ 13.5mm • Kenya, Meru Distr., Matiri (Mitunguu), mt.800 • 08.xi.1983 • leg. Mourglia, R.