Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Thylactus zuberhoferi of Afrotropical region

Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 9 lamiines (1 illustrated)

Author's collection

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region

Tribe: Xylorhizini
Content of box: 9 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Thylactus zuberhoferi

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
Content: 9 lamiines
• Centrafrique, Tramalé [ specimen #1273 ♂ 24.5mm ]
• Côte d'Ivoire, Banco [ specimen #11906 ♂ 24.5mm ]
• Centrafrique, Tramalé [ specimen #1274 ♀ 28.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Bamum [ specimen #1532 ♂ 31.5mm ]
• Togo, Région des Plateaux, Canton de Kouma, Kouma-Konda [ specimen #21300 ♀ 25mm ]
• Cameroun, Bamum [ specimen #9869 ♀ 28mm ]
• Togo, Lome [ specimen #9867 ♂ 24mm ]
• Togo, Forêt de Missahoé [ specimen #18487 ♀ 30.5mm ]
• Cameroun, Bamum [ specimen #9868 ♀ 29.5mm ]

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #1273 ♂ 24.5mm collected on xi-1992
Locality on label: Centrafrique, Tramalé

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #11906 ♂ 24.5mm collected on xi-2001
Locality on label: Côte d'Ivoire, Banco

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #1274 ♀ 28.5mm collected on xi-1992
Locality on label: Centrafrique, Tramalé

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #1532 ♂ 31.5mm
Locality on label: Cameroun, Bamum

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #21300 ♀ 25mm collected on iii-2015
Locality on label: Togo, Région des Plateaux, Canton de Kouma, Kouma-Konda

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #9869 ♀ 28mm
Locality on label: Cameroun, Bamum

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #9867 ♂ 24mm collected on vii-1984
Locality on label: Togo, Lome

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #18487 ♀ 30.5mm collected on vii-2014
Locality on label: Togo, Forêt de Missahoé

Box of Thylactus zuberhoferi from Afrotropical region in author's collection

XylorhiziniThylactus zuberhoferi
specimen #9868 ♀ 29.5mm
Locality on label: Cameroun, Bamum