Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae


Based on the author's private collection [JPRC] with 1 serie and 2 lamiines but none illustrated

Author's collection

Box of Dorcaschema

Content of box: 2 lamiines distributed in 1 serie
Dorcaschema alternatum

Box of Dorcaschema in author's collection

DORCASCHEMATINIDorcaschema alternatum
Content: 2 lamiines
• USA, Kentucky, Metkalfe [ specimen #21939 ♀ 10mm ]
• USA, Texas, Harris Co., Lakeside Airport/Mayde Creek • leg. Heffern, D.J. [ specimen #21938 ♀ 10mm ]

Box of Dorcaschema in author's collection

DORCASCHEMATINIDorcaschema alternatum
specimen #21939 ♀ 10mm • USA, Kentucky, Metkalfe

Box of Dorcaschema in author's collection

DORCASCHEMATINIDorcaschema alternatum
specimen #21938 ♀ 10mm • USA, Texas, Harris Co., Lakeside Airport/Mayde Creek • leg. Heffern, D.J.