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Aegomorphus of Mexico
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
Mexico has 20 species ranked in Aegomorphus.
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Partial regional key to species derivated and adapted from (Martins&al.,2015)
possible resulting taxa
Latest events
List of species
20 species
Aegomorphus albosignus Chemsak & Noguera, 1993
Aegomorphus arietis (Bates, 1885)
Aegomorphus arizonicus Linsley & Chemsak, 1984
Aegomorphus borrei (Duges, 1885)
Aegomorphus chamelae Chemsak & Giesbert, 1986
Aegomorphus circumflexus (Jacquelin du Val, 1857)fig.
Aegomorphus clericus (Bates, 1880)
Aegomorphus cunninghami Heffern & al., 2022
Aegomorphus doctus (Bates, 1880)
Aegomorphus maccartyi (Chemsak & Hovore, 2002)
Aegomorphus mexicanus Martins & al., 2015
Aegomorphus nogueirai Heffern & al., 2022
Aegomorphus peninsularis (Horn, 1880)
Aegomorphus peritapnioides (Linsley, 1958)
Aegomorphus personatus Heffern & Santos-Silva, 2023
Aegomorphus piperatus (Gahan, 1892)
Aegomorphus quadrigibbus (Say, 1831)
Aegomorphus ramirezi (Chemsak & Hovore, 2002)
Aegomorphus signatus (Gahan, 1892)
Aegomorphus socorroensis (Linsley, 1942)