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Hippopsis of Ecuador
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
Ecuador has 10 species ranked in Hippopsis.
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Regional key to species derivated and adapted from (Martins&Galileo,2006) (Galileo&al.,2017) (Vlasak&Santos-Silva,2023)
possible resulting taxa
List of species
10 species
Hippopsis apicalis (Bates, 1866)fig.
Hippopsis fractilinea Bates, 1866fig.
Hippopsis fratercula Galileo & Martins, 1988
Hippopsis iuasanga Martins & Galileo, 2006
Hippopsis macrophthalma Breuning, 1940
Hippopsis nigroapicalis Martins & Galileo, 2003
Hippopsis prona Bates, 1866
Hippopsis quadrivittata Breuning, 1940fig.
Hippopsis septemlineata Breuning, 1940
Hippopsis sexlineata Vlasak & Santos-Silva, 2023fig.