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Thermistis of SE Asia
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
SE Asia has 12 species ranked in Thermistis.
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Regional key to species derivated and adapted from (Lin&al.,2012),(Lin&Tichy,2020)
possible resulting taxa
List of species
12 species
Thermistis annamensis Lin & Tichy, 2020
Thermistis cheni Lin & Chou, 2012
Thermistis conjunctesignata Breuning, 1963
Thermistis croceocincta (Saunders, 1839)
Thermistis hainanensis Lin & Yang, 2012
Thermistis kaiyuni Chou & Kurihara, 2012
Thermistis nigromacula Hua, 1992
Thermistis rubromaculata Pu, 1984
Thermistis sagittifera Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2000
Thermistis sulphureonotata Pu, 1984
Thermistis taiwanensis Nara & Yu, 1992
Thermistis xanthomelas Holzschuh, 2007fig.