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- Implemented key
- List of species
Thermistis of China
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
China has 9 species ranked in Thermistis.
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Regional key to species derivated and adapted from (Lin&al.,2012),(Lin&Tichy,2020)
possible resulting taxa
List of species
9 species
Thermistis cheni Lin & Chou, 2012
Thermistis conjunctesignata Breuning, 1963
Thermistis croceocincta (Saunders, 1839)
Thermistis hainanensis Lin & Yang, 2012
Thermistis nigromacula Hua, 1992
Thermistis rubromaculata Pu, 1984
Thermistis sagittifera Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2000
Thermistis sulphureonotata Pu, 1984
Thermistis xanthomelas Holzschuh, 2007fig.