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Crossotus of South Africa region
Help to determinate lamiines and contribute to the knowledge of fauna
South Africa region has 11 species plus 1 subspecies ranked in Crossotus.
Crossotus [12] Catalog [34]
Subgroup of
For species of South Africa region, subdivided into 11 species
Last images of Crossotus from South Africa region, to see more: Plate in gallery Box in collection
Implemented key
Use key to determinate specimens
proposed key to select
- a) Partial regional key to species derivated and adapted from (Breuning,1942) • not translated
possible resulting taxa
List of species
12 species and subspecies (11 species plus 1 subspecies)
Crossotus albofasciculatus Breuning, 1971
Crossotus bifasciatus Kolbe, 1900
Crossotus erlangeri erlangeri Hintz, 1912fig.
Crossotus klugii Distant, 1892
Crossotus plumicornis Audinet-Serville, 1835fig.
Crossotus plurifasciculatus Breuning, 1938
Crossotus stigmaticus (Fahraeus, 1873)fig.
Crossotus stypticus aethiops Distant, 1898fig.
Crossotus stypticus stypticus Pascoe, 1869fig.
Crossotus tubericollis (Fairmaire, 1891)fig.
Crossotus vagepictus Fairmaire, 1885
Crossotus xiluvensis Veiga-Ferreira, 1966