Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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Skinner, H.

H. Skinner contributed to the knowledge of Lamiinae in 3 publications with 3 new taxa: 3 sp.


  • Skinner, 1912 • Ent. News • 23 (10) : 484
    Doings of Societies. American Entomological Society. Meeting of June 10, 1912. [Oncideres putator]
  • Skinner, 1905 • Ent. News • 16 (9) : 289-292
    Descriptions of new Coleoptera from Arizona with notes on some other species
  • Skinner, 1903 • Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. • 29 : 35-117
    List of the insects of beulah, New Mexico


  • linearis (Skinner, 1905) [Trichocanonura sp.]
  • quercus Skinner, 1905 [Oncideres sp.]
  • tigrina (Skinner, 1905) [Tigrinestola sp.]