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Holzschuh, 2003
Information about publication
Holzschuh, C.
Beschreibung von 72 neuen Bockkäfern aus Asien, vorwiegend aus China, Indien, Laos und Thailand (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Holzschuh, C. • 2003
- Entomologica Basiliensia, Basel
- 25 : 147-241, 72 fig.
List of citations
5 recorded citations
Grammoechus seriatus Holzschuh, 2003 : 234 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Grammoechus (Grammoechus) seriatus Holzschuh, 2003details
Grammoechus seriatus Holzschuh, 2003 : 234
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♀
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Thailand (N.) : Nan Prov., Doi Phukha, N. P. Headqu. 19°13'N 101°07''E, 1500m
Grammoechus tagax Holzschuh, 2003 : 236 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Grammoechus (Grammoechus) tagax Holzschuh, 2003details
Grammoechus tagax Holzschuh, 2003 : 236
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Vietnam (S.) : 15 km SW of Bao Loc 11°27'N 107°43'E, 900 m
Menesia vitiphaga Holzschuh, 2003 : 237 [ nov loc plh ill div ]details
Menesia vitiphaga Holzschuh, 2003 : 237
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- [locality type] China, Shaanxi : Lüeang, 33°07'N 106°05'N
Dystomorphus piceae Holzschuh, 2003 : 238 [ nov loc plh ill div ]details
Dystomorphus piceae Holzschuh, 2003 : 238
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- host plant
- [locality type] China, Yunnan : Baishui, 27°N100°12'E
- Yunnan : Dequen
- China, Sichuan : Jintiang (Tcho-nin) ; Prov. Gongga Shan
- China, Shaanxi : Qinling Mts.- S slope, Xunyangba S + W env., 33°28-37'N 108°23-33'E, 1400-2100m ; Qinling Shan, 12 km SW of Xunyamgba, 1900-2250m
- China, Hubei : Shennonglia Co., Yanzi Pass, 31°43'N 110°28'E, 2200m ; Dashennonglia mts. 31°30'N 110°30'E, 2500-3000m
Phytoecia (Pilemia) smatanai Holzschuh, 2003 : 240 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Pilemia (Pilemia) smatanai (Holzschuh, 2003)details
Phytoecia (Pilemia) smatanai Holzschuh, 2003 : 240
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo, holotype, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Türkei : Konya prov., Seydishehir env.