Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

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  • List of citations

Franz, 1935

Information about publication

Franz, E.

Neues zur Gattung Calothyrza (Col. Ceramb.)

Franz, E. • 1935

  • Entomologische Rundschau, Stuttgart
  • 52 : 132-133, 3 fig.

List of citations

3 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)

  • Calothyrza pulchra Franz, 1935 : 132 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Calothyrza pauli (Fairmaire, 1884)
  • Calothyrza jardinei quadripunctata Franz, 1935 : 132 [ nov ill ] • cf. Calothyrza jardinei (White, 1858)
  • Calothyrza occidentalis Franz, 1935 : 142 [ nov loc ill ] • cf. Mimocalothyrza speyeri (Hintz, 1919)