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- List of citations
Micheli & Micheli, 2004
Information about publication
Micheli, J.A. & Micheli, C.J.
Five new Puerto Rican Longhorn Beetles and other notes on West Indian Acanthocinini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
Micheli, J.A. & Micheli, C.J. • 2004
- Journal of the New York Entomological Society, New York
- 112 (1) : 18-36, 7 fig.
List of citations
12 recorded citations
Antilleptostylus Gilmour, 1963 : 19, 22 [ key div ] • cf. Styloleptus Dillon, 1956details
Antilleptostylus Gilmour, 1963 : 19, 22
General information
- key ; remark
Antilleptostylus brunneofasciatus (Fisher, 1935) : 19, 22 [ ill div ] • cf. Styloleptus brunneofasciatus (Fisher, 1935)details
Antilleptostylus brunneofasciatus (Fisher, 1935) : 19, 22
General information
- remark
- black and white drawing, part
Antilleptostylus guilartensis Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 20, 22 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Styloleptus guilartensis (Micheli & Micheli, 2004)details
Antilleptostylus guilartensis Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 20, 22
General information
- description
- black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, part
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Guilarte Forest
Antilleptostylus nigricans (Fisher, 1935) : 19, 22 [ ill ] • cf. Leptostylus liliputanus Thomson, 1865details
Antilleptostylus nigricans (Fisher, 1935) : 19, 22
General information
- black and white drawing, part
Leptostylopsis Dillon, 1956 : 22, 30 [ key ]details
Leptostylopsis Dillon, 1956 : 22, 30
General information
- regional key
Leptostylopsis guanica Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 22, 30 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Leptostylopsis guanica Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 22, 30
General information
- description ; remark
- black and white drawing, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Guanica
Leptostylopsis yukiyu Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 25, 31 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Leptostylopsis yukiyu Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 25, 31
General information
- description ; remark
- black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, part
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Toro Negro Forest, Rd. 143, kms 18-20
- Puerto Rico : Carib. N. F., El Toro Negro, Hwy. 143, K18H4 ; Carite For. Res., Hwy. 184, K20H4 ; El Yunque Sta., Luquillo Forest
Leptostylopsis monin Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 27, 31 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Leptostylopsis monin Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 27, 31
General information
- description ; remark
- black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, part
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Guilarte Forest
- Puerto Rico : Maracao Forest, Rd. 120 km 13.8 ; Carite Forest, Rd. 184, km 25.9 ; Carite Forest, Rd. 184, K21H9 ; El Verde Sta., Luquillo Forest ; El Yunque Sta., Luquillo Forest
Leptostylopsis gundlachi (Fisher, 1925) : 30, 31 [ ill div syn ]details
Leptostylopsis gundlachi (Fisher, 1925) : 30, 31
General information
- remark
- black and white drawing, part
- synonymy
- Puerto Rico : Aibonito
Leptostylus gundlachi = Leptostylus oakleyi Fisher, 1935 : 30 • cf. Leptostylopsis gundlachi (Fisher, 1925)details
Leptostylus gundlachi = Leptostylus oakleyi Fisher, 1935 : 30
- Puerto Rico : Adjuntas
Urgleptes Dillon, 1956 : 31, 35 [ key ] • cf. Polymitoleiopus Lepesme & Breuning, 1955details
Urgleptes Dillon, 1956 : 31, 35
General information
- regional key
Urgleptes borikensis Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 31, 35 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Polymitoleiopus borikensis (Micheli & Micheli, 2004)details
Urgleptes borikensis Micheli & Micheli, 2004 : 31, 35
General information
- description ; remark
- black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white drawing, part
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Guilarte Forest
- Puerto Rico : Maricao For., Rd. 120, km 13.8 ; El Yunque Sta., Luquillo Forest ; Carib. N. F., El Yunque, Hwy. 191, K8H7 ; Carib. N. F., El Toro Negro, Hwy. 143, K16H4 ; Guilarte For. Res., Hwy. 131&158