Page Content
- List of citations
Micheli, 2003
Information about publication
Micheli, J.C.
New Longhorn Beetles from Puerto Rico (West Indies) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Micheli, J.C. • 2003
- The Coleopterists' Bulletin
- 57 (2) : 191-204, 5 fig.
List of citations
11 recorded citations
Eugamandus ricarti Micheli, 2003 : 194 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Eugamandus ricarti Micheli, 2003 : 194
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; (...)
- black and white drawing, ♂
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Maricao Forest, Rd 120, km 13.8
- Puerto Rico : Guajataca, For. Res. ; Carib. N. F., El Verde Hwy. 186, K15H4
CYRTININI Thomson, 1864 : 196 [ key ]details
CYRTININI Thomson, 1864 : 196
General information
- key
Boricyrtinus Micheli, 2003 : 196, 199 [ nov div ]details
Boricyrtinus Micheli, 2003 : 196, 199
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; (...)
- new taxon/name
Boricyrtinus nilseni Micheli, 2003 : 198 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Boricyrtinus nilseni Micheli, 2003 : 198
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; remark
- black and white drawing, ♂
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Maricao Forest, Rd. 120, km 13.8
CYRTININI Thomson, 1864 : 199 [ key ]details
CYRTININI Thomson, 1864 : 199
General information
- regional key
Omosarotes Pascoe, 1860 : 199 [ div ]details
Omosarotes Pascoe, 1860 : 199
General information
- distinctive characters
Scopadus Pascoe, 1857 : 199 [ div ]details
Scopadus Pascoe, 1857 : 199
General information
- distinctive characters
Decarthria Hope, 1834 : 199 [ div ]details
Decarthria Hope, 1834 : 199
General information
- distinctive characters
Sciocyrtinus Fisher, 1935 : 199 [ div ]details
Sciocyrtinus Fisher, 1935 : 199
General information
- distinctive characters
Cyrtinus LeConte, 1852 : 199 [ div ]details
Cyrtinus LeConte, 1852 : 199
General information
- distinctive characters
Decarthria boricua Micheli, 2003 : 200 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Decarthria boricua Micheli, 2003 : 200
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; (...)
- black and white drawing, ♂ ; black and white photo, part
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Puerto Rico : Maricao Forest, Rd. 120, Km 13.8
- Puerto Rico : Guilarde Forest ; Maricao Forest, Rd. 120, Km 12.8