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Barriga & al., 1993
Information about publication
Barriga, J.E. & Curkovic, T.S. & Fichet, T.L. & Henriquez, J.L.S. & Macaya, J.B.
Nuevos antecedentes de coleópteros xilofagos y plantas hospederas en Chile, con una recopilación de citas previas
Barriga, J.E. & Curkovic, T.S. & Fichet, T.L. & Henriquez, J.L.S. & Macaya, J.B. • 1993
- Revista Chilena de Entomología, Santiago
- 20 : 65-91
List of citations
6 recorded citations (publication not or partly analyzed)
Neohebestola humeralis (Blanchard, 1851) : 71 [ plh ]
Neohebestola luchopegnai Martins & Galileo, 1989 : 71 [ plh ]
Exocentrus pusillus Blanchard, 1851 : 71 [ plh ] • cf. Oectropsis chilensis Nascimento & al., 2020
Neohebestola petrosa (Blanchard, 1851) : 72 [ plh ]
Oectropsis latifrons Blanchard, 1851 : 72 [ plh ]
Leiopus asperipennis Fairmaire & Germain, 1859 : 83 [ plh ] • cf. Xenocona asperipennis (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859)