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- List of citations
Melzer, 1932
Information about publication
Melzer, J.
Novos generos e novas especies de Cerambycideos do Brasil (Col. Cerambycidae)
Melzer, J. • 1932
- Revista de Entomologia, Rio de Janeiro
- 2 (4) : 420-434, 2 pl.
List of citations
14 recorded citations
Oreodera angustata Melzer, 1932 : 423 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Oreodera cinerea Audinet-Serville, 1835details
Oreodera angustata Melzer, 1932 : 423
General information
- description
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Brasil, Pernambuco : Tapéra
- Brasil, Espírito Santo
Oreodera omissa Melzer, 1932 : 424 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Oreodera omissa Melzer, 1932 : 424
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- Brasil, Goyaz : Viannopolis
- Brasil, Rio de Janeiro : rio Muriahé
- Brasil, São Paulo : Parque Jabaquara, perto da Capital ; Amparo
- Brasil, Santa Catharina : Joinville
Oreodera lateralis (Olivier, 1800) : 425 [ div ]details
Oreodera lateralis (Olivier, 1800) : 425
General information
- remark
Oreodera neglecta Melzer, 1932 : 425 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Oreodera neglecta Melzer, 1932 : 425
General information
- description
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Brasil, Pará
Lathroeus mysticus Melzer, 1932 : 426 [ nov loc ill div ]details
Lathroeus mysticus Melzer, 1932 : 426
General information
- description
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- Brasil, Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaya
- Brasil, São Paulo : Alto de Serra
- Brasil, Paraná : Rio Negro
Ozineus alienus Melzer, 1932 : 427 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Sternacutus alienus (Melzer, 1932)details
Ozineus alienus Melzer, 1932 : 427
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- Brasil, Espírito Santo : S. Tereza
- Brasil, Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaia, 700 m
Piezochaerus Melzer, 1932 : 428 [ nov div ]details
Piezochaerus Melzer, 1932 : 428
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Piezochaerus bondari Melzer, 1932 : 429 [ nov loc ill div des ]details
Piezochaerus bondari Melzer, 1932 : 429
General information
- description
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- designation
- [locality type] Brasil, Bahia : São Salvador
Probatius x-littera Melzer, 1932 : 430 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Brevoxathres x-littera (Melzer, 1932)details
Probatius x-littera Melzer, 1932 : 430
General information
- description ; distinctive characters ; (...)
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Brasil, Espírito Santo : Fazenda Jerusalem
Probatius alienus Melzer, 1932 : 431 [ nov loc ill div ] • cf. Alcidion alienum (Melzer, 1932)details
Probatius alienus Melzer, 1932 : 431
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- illustration
- new taxon/name
- [locality type] Brasil, Minas Geraes : Passa Quatro, Fazenda dos Campos
Pentheochaetes Melzer, 1932 : 432 [ nov div ]details
Pentheochaetes Melzer, 1932 : 432
General information
- description ; distinctive characters
- new taxon/name
Pentheochaetes mysticus Melzer, 1932 : 433 [ nov loc ill div des ] • cf. Pentheochaetes mystica Melzer, 1932details
Pentheochaetes mysticus Melzer, 1932 : 433
General information
- description
- black and white photo
- new taxon/name
- designation
- Brasil, São Paulo : Capital ; Bosque da Saude perto da capital
- Brasil, Paraná : Rio Negro
Alcidion simillimum Melzer, 1932 : 434 [ div ] • cf. Lathroeus simillimus (Melzer, 1932)details
Alcidion simillimum Melzer, 1932 : 434
General information
- remark
Alcidion decoratum Melzer, 1932 : 434 [ div ] • cf. Lathroeus decoratus (Melzer, 1932)details
Alcidion decoratum Melzer, 1932 : 434
General information
- remark