Insecta Coleoptera Cerambycidae

Page Content

  • List of citations

Teocchi, 1985

Information about publication

Teocchi, P.

Un genre nouveau de la tribu des Tragocephalini Thomson (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Lamiinae)

Teocchi, P. • 1985

  • Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, Cremona
  • 2 : 365-368, 1 fig.

List of citations

2 recorded citations

  • Mimochariesthes Teocchi, 1985 : 365 [ nov div ]

    Mimochariesthes Teocchi, 1985 : 365

    General information

    • description
    • new taxon/name
  • Mimochariesthes flaveola Teocchi, 1985 : 366 [ nov loc ill div des ]

    Mimochariesthes flaveola Teocchi, 1985 : 366

    General information

    • description
    • black and white drawing
    • new taxon/name
    • designation


    • [locality type] R. Centrafricaine : Station de la Maboké, par Boukoko